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Game 101


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Seems like we got stuck at 65%. Russ will start games at 80%. That's only 6 more sign ups. Looking at whats left, I see 2 solid 3 man groups. That would do it. :thumbsup:

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I like the new sign up system and signed up for Greece. Have fun, RIck

NOO! You can't play Greece, after trying to kill Greece for so long!




Well, Marklen, have YOU signed up for game 101 yet??? :)

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I like the new sign up system and signed up for Greece. Have fun, RIck

NOO! You can't play Greece, after trying to kill Greece for so long!




Well, Marklen, have YOU signed up for game 101 yet??? :)


Sorry Kevin, I have my plate full at the moment.Don't see me getting into another game for a bit. I like to keep it at 2, and I am in 98,99,and 100, and 97 will end this turn, that's enough.

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I like the new sign up system and signed up for Greece. Have fun, RIck

NOO! You can't play Greece, after trying to kill Greece for so long!




Well, Marklen, have YOU signed up for game 101 yet??? :)


Sorry Kevin, I have my plate full at the moment.Don't see me getting into another game for a bit. I like to keep it at 2, and I am in 98,99,and 100, and 97 will end this turn, that's enough.


Yeah, I know how that goes. Sooner than you know you're in more games, and it's more like work than fun! :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Still at 65%, six more spots filled should be enough to get the set ups rolling out.

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