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Question about Spinal Messon Accelerator

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Greetings -   Especially to all the haters out there who have left rants and 4 letter messages in my box.


I suppose the cat is out of the bag now, but tech is one of the few advantages in this game and it amazes me when folks just expect that the path to a very valuable and difficult tech to just be handed over.

You work really hard for the knowledge with multiple positions/allies all pitching in and then it is all gone in a flash, for what?

I am not opposed to hints or suggestions, etc., etc., and I try and help out folks with basic stuff, especially when  we are talking about something like the stats of the mk iv version when there is no surprise in the research path.  However, for this particular tech, I recall spending a very long time trying to ferret out the secret to it and I am talking years here, not just a couple of turns or months.  Once discovered it was of strategic importance and was not passed along for a very long time and even then only in trade for some other obscure tech.

So, I would encourage anybody with tech info to think carefully before just giving it away to a complete unknown, no offense.  You never know when that unknown is your next neighbor/enemy.  

If you have already gotten to a where you think a tech should be and can't find it, then is the time to as a few questions.  Just knowing a tech is available by en exploration find is not getting close either.


Carry on...





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Gee, Hobknob, I didn't know you owned the rights to asking about a tech. I noticed some posts that you've shared information about strategy, technology, and other such informational help in the past. I'm not new to the game. I've been playing for around10 years. I left Andromada bc of the "old hands" who roll their super dreadnauts into your 2 year old empire and wipe out all the money and time one has to invest to enjoy the game just bc they were so advanced. And the super pac alliances of 10 players who can't advance on their own without help. I've been looking for this tech since 2009. Thank you, Lord Deependra, for the info. Glad you didn't post the whole pathway. Who knows what that would've gotten as a jealous response from his Highness.

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Never claimed to own anything.  Just think it is pretty rich to just give stuff away sight unseen.  I freely give strategy and tactics as they are there for the thinking about.  I even give away some tech.  I am particularly fond of providing folks all the stuff they start with so they just don't need to do the masses of orders to ANZ it all.  I am sure if you were one of the first to find a tech you would not be so glib about giving it away.

Anyway.  I hope that my point will forestall the giving away of all the state secrets. 


If you are getting back into Andromeda then more power to you.   The universe is what it is.  Just because a target is not as large or as advanced as you are does not make it an invalid target.


Ships have gotten a bit bigger lately with fleets in the 100's of billions.  Ships are pretty much stuck at 40B tons if you want to move much but bigger ships have been seen.



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I could see your point if you were so secretive and not sharing things yourself. To lash at another player who decides to help someone seems a bit harsh to me. I'd help anyone if I could, even if I saw them as enemy to my empire. I've run into several other empires so far. I see DMX as the common threat to all empires. I'd rather work on taking out the machines than other active players.

I wasn't trying to flame on you. Just sticking up for someone kind enough to answer my question. I have a few techs I've researched for years trying to find after recovering certain "freebies". That was the one that's been evading me after all the hunting and research I've put into it.


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But what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

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Maybe so. As a true gamer, though, I play because I enjoy the challenge of solving the game. I want others to enjoy the game as well. There's plenty of universe to work in so I believe in fairness. Most of the older players I encountered when I first started in Andromada wouldn't even attempt a purposeful battle with anyone unless they were comparable in development. I'm glad that Pete made the AI in Draco "smart" bc it's more interesting than just dropping troops on their planet for takeover. You actually have to battle DMX and they're evolving.

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A major aspect of this game is conquest. Even as old as Andromeda is there are still a number of wars going on. Think how you would feel if someone just handed the pre-reqs for the defensive tech that corresponds to your weapon systems to the guy you have been at war with for 3 or 4 years.  There are also a small number of players out there that play the villian and will use any less than honorable method they can to gain an advantage. That is why when I wrote about this before I suggested asking in private and starting out with seeking hints instead of outright ANZs. I have received help over the years from Hobknob and others with tech info and strategy advice. I always try to keep it in private, I ask for hints first, I explain whay my own efforts have been to figure things out on my own, and above all else I remain respectful and understanding if someone would rather not share info. Iformation , even though this is only a game, is still very valuable. What if it was the jump pathway to your homeworld, the size and location of your fleets, or the weapon systems you use? To you, getting the info you need would be helpful. However to someone else, you getting the info you need could be harmful.

Also always keep in mind that the way you react to a situation now could mean the difference between a non agression agreement or a war declaration down the road.

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Well I see I touched a nerve here. So let me see if I have this straight. This forum is full of people sharing information about the game. Then, it seems, it's become taboo to share information because some players fear another player might use that information to attack their empire. But, those players see nothing wrong with destroying anyone else's empire.


Ok. If you'd like to keep your information secret then don't answer a request or post that information. You all want to use the "hard work effort to get this information" as an excuse, it seems. I'm not worried about the trade or war aspect bc I've been attacked by ppl who pose as ally, then hunt until they ran into home sys. I, sir, expect attacks and that's part of the game.


So go ahead and gang up on me for asking a simple question and then speaking up for the guy who helped me. He didn't give me the whole pathway. You should be happy. And if you're so worried that a player getting one tech might take out your empire, then you're not prepared properly. Build another 100B ton ship and go destroy some weaker guy's budding empire. I don't care. If making me out to be the bad guy and desiring to find and wipe me out makes you feel better, I don't care. I've done no wrong to you or Hobknob. Players have different styles like we all have different opinions. I can disagree with someone without it bothering me so bad I've got to hunt his empire down. 


So if everyone's through hammering on the new poster, can we get back to playing the game? Hobknob, I'm sorry if my ideas don't line up with yours. I just disagree with the fear of someone getting a tech that anyone has the probability of getting coming to rule the universe. My apologies, sir. 


So...Spinal Meson Accelerator is the secret weapon to destroy the other empires...🤔


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Boy, the boards have been a bit quiet of late so maybe this is just pent up boredom coming through.

My entire point was that tech has value and should not just be given away.  This applies to folks with the tech that should not give away and those without it that should not expect it to be given to them.  Period.

As far as other discussions, there are lots of them about game mechanics, wars, enemies, friends, DMX, strategy etc.  All fare game as far as I am concerned.  Heck, I will even take the HW coordinates, planet number, scan, routing info etc if somebody wants to post it.

This was never about a single poster, rather the community as a whole.  This is especially geared toward those that are new to the game in an effort to explain why those of us that have been playing for years now( over 17)  would not just be as helpful as one might like.  And yes, there has been much "hard work" keeping positions going for that long.

Yes, I will keep secrets and I will probably tell you I know about something but won't just hand it over.  

I am not the only person with the tech, I just seem to be the most vocal on not just giving it away.

This has nothing to do with one empire beating up on another for whatever reason.  In  Andromeda folks have been building positions for a long time and attacking somebody else is just part of it.  Whether it is honorable or deceitful is a different issue and a discussion for another thread.

We can keep going back and forth on this if you like.

Your turn...






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