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Fighter Bays


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I know that when you do a RN and move ships from one fleet into another, they take their full share of fuel unless you specify otherwise. Now, will that apply when the ship being moved has fighter bays (and/or drone racks)? Like if the ship being moved has 1,000 fuel and 1 fighter bay, it takes 1000 fuel and enough fighters/gunboats to fill the fighter bay? My guess is yes, it would but wouldn't really care about how many of each if there is a mixed gunboat load. But if the gunboat load was a single type, I figure it would take as many of them as it could handle. What has been your experience with this?

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When you split off ships from one fleet to another they try and take as much stuff as they can hold, even if that means leaving nothing behind.  The only exception is the fuel option.  If you pick the fuel option fuel will will be split proportionally to the tanks.  If 20% of the tanks move out then they will take 20% of the fuel.  If there will only be enough space to take part of the cargo then it is generally taken by alphabetical order.


This becomes a bit of a challenge when you want to resupply fighters/drones...


Good luck,

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On 1/18/2020 at 8:53 PM, hobknob said:

When you split off ships from one fleet to another they try and take as much stuff as they can hold, even if that means leaving nothing behind.  The only exception is the fuel option.  If you pick the fuel option fuel will will be split proportionally to the tanks.  If 20% of the tanks move out then they will take 20% of the fuel.  If there will only be enough space to take part of the cargo then it is generally taken by alphabetical order.


This becomes a bit of a challenge when you want to resupply fighters/drones...


Good luck,

It sure does. Until an option becomes available( unlikely) that will allow fleets to transfer items carried aboard the ONLY way to do this with any degree of accuracy is to OC items onto a pop ID you control and then LC. In other words You will need a 'forward operating base'. This isnt as tough as it sounds though as this base doesnt need any pop to function. You just need to drop a colony beacon and your golden. This issue is really a pain though if there are no orbits to drop a beacon on. if your in a nexus forgetaboutit. :)

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