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Where does installation construction fall in the order sequence?


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Hi all,

Apologies as this has likely been asked before.  I tried searching but couldn't find an answer (without digging through the hundreds of search results).  Anyway, where does construction of new installations fall within the production sequence described in the rules:

Power Generation
Fuel Refineries
Resource Extraction
Stripmining Complexes
Industrial Complexes

Thank you!


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Installations are constructed immediately upon the order being issued. So if on your third order you wish to build a city it is built on the third order. Or, if you need to build a Transportation Center and then use it that same turn you can build it and then use at the following order and it's just fine. Installation construction really has nothing to do with the end of turn sequence. Now if you put some orders in a convoy route so that you automatically build installations, then those installations get built within the running of the Convoy route in their proper order.

Good luck,



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9 minutes ago, Sakarissa said:

That is correct. If you are building Construction Materials on Turn 1, they will be available on Turn 2 for your CON orders. However, if you build 100 iron mines on Turn 1, they will produce iron on Turn 1 during resource generation stage and before your production orders.

Thank you, very helpful!

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While you can build installations at any time in your order phase, those installation only work during their appointed time.  Your power is generated, then your mines work providing materials and then your industries build what you have them assigned top build.  After that the shipyards work on ships that have been assigned in the turn or in previous turns and not completed, etc.



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Got it.  That makes sense as well, thank you.

On a unrelated subject, am I correct in thinking that shipyards only user power when they are in use themselves?  Looking at my turn report, I have excess power that I thought would've been used by the shipyards.  And is that the case with other installations as well that they only use power when they are being used?

Thank you again!

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All of your mines should also use power.  There are also some installations that don't correctly subtract from the power total.


If you are short on power somewhere I would check your numbers and then ask the all knowing what's the deal is.  Or do what I do, always have surplus power, always...



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In Andromeda, the power surplus mentioned in the turn report has never been correct in the 10+ years I have played. Pete has never been able to figure it out. If this system has never been fixed for the launch of Draco, then expect the report to be wrong.  Trust your calculation and always have some excess.

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