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The Fremen

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Looks like this covid19 thing is gonna get worse before it gets better. Many of us here have been playing RTG games for over 30 years which makes most of us 50+ or more. Please make sure you guys are extra careful. We just happen to be at an age that makes us more vulnerable to this thing. I for one would like to see all of playing for another 30 years. 😊. 

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Solid advice.  Sadly we don't get any more bio-points to bioengineer new bodies, so we're stuck with what we have 😮 

I'm staying well away from those pesky huu-mans who happen to inhabit this rock, taking whatever reasonable precautions that I can.

Take care everybody :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to stay away as much as possible, which is good advice.  I have not been playing this game for 30 years, but have been playing PBM for that long overall...  definitely not in the low risk category...


stay safe and well!

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