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System Commonwealth


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:alien2: The System's Commonwealth is a old idea born again anew! It is what I had set forth in turn Zero to create, but merged with Mark G and founded the GSL instead! The reformed SC, is a return to character of what I had planned in the beginning. Sadly the GSL or GA is not what I had planned and after a saddened heart and high blood preasure, I have resigned my position within the GSL. I have decided to return to my true ideas again and build the kind of alliance that I had originally envisioned some 1+ yrs back at game start.

:taz: The GSL in my oponion got to large too fast, and although it is a great information sharing group...it has far to many views of what it should be, could be, and will be. To many people joined that had to far of field oponions as to how to do anything, making it a nightmare to manage in a pure true democracy. Oh back in the beginning and for like the first 5-6 months with like 11-13 members it was great, but now with all it's current membership...forget it. Plus it's greatest flaw in my oponion is that fact that almost no one is actually linked up with anyone else. The real key in this game is to have allies that are LOCAL to you and each other plus can help one another in all matters all the time. Tech and Resource exchanges, plus mutual defense pacts and the like, these and other key issues are what makes a true allie that you can depend on.

:( The System's Commonwealth has the key linkage and together the members will build a far better union. Equals in all matters, Brother to Brother...aiding all our local member neighbors. We aren't huge, but we will be true allies standing together as one...united. We are not recruiting from the general public, but rather searching for more of our neighbors inwhich to bring into our fold together as equals.

:D One other point, we are not out to "Save the Universe", or make it bend to our knee. We only wish to explore, and peacefully expand our knowledge and membership for the betterment of all our members equally. We will never become a huge collection of members, we will not make that mistake. Also as to where we stand on the issue of "Good-Guy, Bad-Guy, Neutral, well I have always believed "Good Guys wear Black too", and I guess I would define the SC as more Neutral that leans towards Good.

:) The SC are a small group of players looking to play the game and have fun in the game and do something together. We have no deep seated super Ego-Trip plan to change and conform the Universe to our own set of standards. All are and will be treated as individuals, on a case for case basis.


Penn Eckert

System's Commonwealth Speaker

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I know what it means to be dissapointed with an alliance vision. The Phoenix Arisen, however, is a great group of guys with a lot of knowledge. I made the right choice in retrospect. You probably did too. Good luck!

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It seems new groups are surfacing from the remenants of the GSL. Has anyone heard of the System Commonwealth?

That is the advantage of being in charge of your own alliance and not counting on others who go flakey on you when they don't get their way. Being how most of you are in a group or have been, I would have thought you would have been smart enough to realize that problem by now. Something I never have had to worry about.



The One Man Alliance (T.O.M.A.)

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Wow Penn!


So for the past year or so you have been vehemently defending on this board a lot things that actually weren't true. Many times (even within the past few months) you have strongly defended the idea that the GSL was all "like minded" when questioned about the possibility of unwanted types slipping through the cracks and into the GSL.


Also, from the beginning of the game, you were very vocal that it was not necessary to be next to your allies for an alliance to work. Now you say it was your idea from the beginning that the best way is to find out who your neighbors are first??? If that's the case, your posts sure havn't reflected that in the least. Quite the opposite actually. If you really didn't believe the stuff you were posting, I think it would have been better for you not to say anything at all because now it really looks like you've been talking out of both sides of your mouth.


It's just very strange that you would get so defensive when asked about these things, and now we find out that you really didn't even believe it yourself. Whatever.....

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:alien2: Well after the last "3" months, I have had a few "Eye Openners" and without going into details..I was WRONG and I realize IT! Sorry one learns from their own mistakes, and it takes a bigger man to come forward and state it. Plain and simple I was wrong, and realize what is really import...call it learning something alongs life's path. Can anyone fault anyone for learning from a mistake and NOT repeating it again? Besides many of the real basic concepts are sound, just that somewhere along the way they got altered from my own vision.


All things change and develope in life as we LIVE and LEARN...

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:alien2: Well after the last "3" months, I have had a few "Eye Openners" and without going into details..I was WRONG and I realize IT! Sorry one learns from their own mistakes, and it takes a bigger man to come forward and state it. Plain and simple I was wrong, and realize what is really import...call it learning something alongs life's path. Can anyone fault anyone for learning from a mistake and NOT repeating it again? Besides many of the real basic concepts are sound, just that somewhere along the way they got altered from my own vision.


All things change and develope in life as we LIVE and LEARN...

Well said.

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QUOTE (Bloodletter @ Dec 16 2003, 05:57 PM)

QUOTE (MadMartinB @ Dec 16 2003, 03:55 PM)

Bloodletter - Maybe you should be The One Man Partnership...   



OH NO!!!!!!  Do you not realize the divorce rate these days 



The One Man Alliance (T.O.M.A.) 



Can you just imagine the property settlement?


No to mention the alimony payments? :alien2:

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