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Rules Clarification


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Pete, I don't mean to be a pain, but I'm at a point where I'm starting to get frustated about rules clarification and updates. There are too many topics and threads to be searching through to get an answer...or worse, no answer at all. :thumbsup:


When can we expect an updated rules file? I have questions concerning diplomacy between players and how thats handled; naval combat, ground combat, what you can and cannot do with neutral and their population and a bunch other topics. Not to mention, the orders supplement file needs to be updated too and probably a few other things too.


You do your best to update date us on rules, orders and other changes thru the use of our turnsheets but I'm starting to go crazy when I'm looking at turn results after turn results for a rules clarification or how an order is currently used.


Can we please get an updated rulesbook with all the supplements...pleeeease! :P


I'll even throw in a cold one for you. :blink:

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Here an example of me trying to find the rules or clarification to a topic:


Currently, the DIP order only works with Neutrals. However, how does one establish a Trade Pact with another Active player? This is important because then I can issue a NENC order with an Victor ROE, which will allow me to attack everyone except the Empire I have a Trade Pact with.

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Here's another one:


I have control of a Neutral colony (quiet out there...no complaints now :lol: ) which has a Crumbling Mission.


1 - If I want to DISM it, do I type in Mission or Crumbling Mission?


2 - Will I get the full amount of Con. Material it took to build it or just a portion of it; and if a portion, how much?

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You would type in Mission and just get the right amount of CM.


Thanks for the info.


You don't have the PAP order? it came out on one of our turn sheets and explained it. 

PAP, empire #, Action


See, that's what I'm talking about. Its on a turnsheet, and not in the rulebook. Do you know how much paper I have all around here :lol: I don't have time to be going through each turnsheet I have. Thanks again for the info. :cheers:

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What PAP order?  :unsure:    My Orders Supplement does have a PAP order.  If there is such an order then this proves my case that we need an updated Rules book.  :ranting:


Please help!

I agree we need an updated orders list at the minimum - what about us poor folks just starting? We don't even have the ability to dig through old turn sheets to know what's been changed and/or added! :cheers:

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What PAP order?  :unsure:    My Orders Supplement does have a PAP order.  If there is such an order then this proves my case that we need an updated Rules book.  :ranting:


Please help!

I agree we need an updated orders list at the minimum - what about us poor folks just starting? We don't even have the ability to dig through old turn sheets to know what's been changed and/or added! :cheers:

Here here. We've never heard of PAP. What does it stand for?

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I'm aware of the pressing need for an update - just need to get it completed. I'll see about getting up something on the forums here to help until I get the new docs done.




Edit: Ok - I've got a pinned topic at the top of the Rules & Mechanics forum that gives folks a quick & dirty recap of things until I get the next rules version complete. Take a look and let me know if you see anything I've missed, messed up with a typo, etc. :cheers:

Edited by RTGRuss
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ABP Army Battle Plan Army # Off Grnd Def Grnd

AC Assign Character Char # Type ID # System Planet # ---Fleet, Army, World

ALLG Swear Allegiance Empire #

ANZ Analyze Item Name

BALG Break Allegiance Empire #

BI Build Item Qty Item Pop Grp # Pri Tool

BOMB (XBOMB) Orbital Bombardment - Act Pt Fleet # Pop Grp # MDD (24) Qty (24) ---ALL

COLB Colonial Beacon - Act Pt Fleet #

CON* Construct Installation Qty Installation Pop Grp #

CSV Colonial Attrition Survey - Act Pt Fleet # Pop Grp #

CTRN* (XCTRN) Colonist Training Pop Grp # Qty

DD Design Details Ship

DECF Decommission Fleet Fleet # ---HOME

DELS Delete Standing Order Pri (5)

DGF Disband Ground Force Army #

DIP (XDIP) Diplomacy - Act Pt Fleet # Pop Grp # Diplomacy Empire # Qty ---SLANDER

DISM Dismantle Installation Qty Installation Pop Grp #

DIV Division Assignment Pop Grp # Army # Division (24) Qty (24)

EAF Embark Army Force - Act Pt Army # Fleet #

EB Edit Build Qty Item Pop Grp # Pri Tool ---CLEAR ALL

ED Eliminate Design Ship

ESTA Edit Standing Order Priority Pri (5) Pri (5)

EXIL Exile Leader Character #

EXPL (XEXPL) Exploration - Fleet #

FNAM Rename Fleet Fleet # (5) Name (5)

FOB Fleet Order Of Battle Fleet #

FORM Formation Battle Plan Plan Name Letter Location # Fighter Op Drone Op

FUEL* Fuel Transfer Fleet # Fleet # Qty

GATK Ground Attack Army #

GEO Geological Survey Fleet #

INST Describe Installation Installation

JETT Jettison Cargo Fleet # Item Qty ---ALL

LC* (XLC) Load Cargo Pop Grp # Fleet # Item (24) Qty (24) ---ALL

LFE (XLFE) Live Fire Exercise - Act Pt Fleet #

MESS Send Message Empire # Message #

MOVE* (XMOVE) Move To Warp Point - Act Pt Fleet # System Warp #

NAME Name Character Char # (5) Name (5)

NENC Naval Encounter Plan Fleet # Engage Battle Plan

NEWA New Army Pop Grp # Army # Name

NEWF New Fleet Fleet # Fleet # Name

NFBP New Force Battle Plan Battle Plan Name

NM* (XNM) Naval Movement - Act Pt Fleet # System Planet #

NUD Naval Unit Design Type Name Mission Item (24) Qty (24)

OC* (XOC) Offload Cargo Fleet # Pop Grp # Item (24) Qty (24) ---ALL, NO FUEL

ORB Orbital Reconnaissance - Act Pt Fleet #

PAP Political Action Proposal Empire # Agreement

PMAP Planet Map - Act Pt Fleet #

PRIV Privacy Option TOGGLE

RA Reorganize Army Army # Army # Division (24) Qty (24) ---ALL

REA Request Empire Address Empire #

REVO Revolution Government Government Tradition Title

RN* Reorganize Naval Fleet # Fleet # Ship (24) Qty (24) ---ALL, SPLIT

RTD Request Tech Description

SCRP Scrap Ship Qty Ship Pop Grp # Pri Fleet #

SCUT Scuttle Ship Fleet # Fleet # Ship (24) Qty (24)

SENS (XSENS) Sensor Sweep - Act Pt Fleet #

SHIP (XSHIP) Build Ship Qty Ship Pop Grp # Pri Fleet #

SKIM* (XSKIM) Skim Gas Giant Fleet #

SRP Set Research Priority Item (25) ---SLOT 1

SS System Scan - Act Pt Fleet #

SUPP Resupply Duty Fleet #

SURV Warp Survey - Act Pt Fleet #

SYSB System Beacon (Guess) - Act Pt Fleet #

TAC Tactical Assessment Army #

TR (XTR) Transfer Items Pop Grp # Pop Grp # Item (24) Qty (24)

TREE Allegiance Tree

WARP* (XWARP) Warp Movement Fleet #


* Denotes Orders Usable In Convoy Orders


(X...) indicate usable as STANDING ORDER


If you still have questions you can just scroll down in the order box of the Imperial Palace turn entry program....hope this helps.


Ground Offensive Combat Order

1 Aerial Bombardment

2 Airmobile Assault

3 Artillery Bombardment

4 Encircle

5 Frontal Assault

6 Harassing Attack

7 Living Wave Assault

8 NBC Strike

9 Reconnaissance In Force


Ground Standing Defense Order

1 Counterattack

2 Delaying Action

3 Fortify

4 Mobile Defense

5 Nuclear Release

6 Ready Reserve

7 Stand And Defend

8 Withdraw


Diplomacy Options

1 Aggressive

2 Alliance

3 Break Agreement

4 Cease Fire

5 Declare War

6 Demand Tribute

7 Military Action

8 Neutralize

9 Non-Aggression Pact

10 Peaceful

11 Present Gifts

12 Slander

13 Subversion

14 Total Alliance

15 Trade Pact

16 Ultimatum

17 Union


Fighter Operations

1 No Launch

2 Standard Attack

3 Close Support

4 Cover Attack

5 Deep Strike

6 Forward Support

7 Kamikaze Cover

8 Kamikaze Attack


Drone Operations

1 No Launch

2 Standard Attack

3 Cover Attack

4 Focused Attack


Rules Of Engagement

P Papa

Q Quebec

R Romeo

S Sierra

T Tango

U Uniform

V Victor

W Whiskey

X X-Ray

Y Yankee

Z Zulu


Mission Class

A Assault

B Battle Line

H Heavy Screen

L Light Screen

E Escort

G Missile

D Drone

V Carrier

S Standoff

T Transport

O Auxillary

X Special 1

Y Special 2

Z Special 3


K Orbital Command Group

N Non Combatants


Ship Design Type

1 Starship

2 Orbital Installation

3 Aquatic Fortress

4 Subterranean Fortress

5 Surface Fortress


Diplomacy Agreements

1 No Agreement

2 Alliance

3 Cease Fire

4 Military Alliance

5 Non-Aggression Pact

6 Total Alliance

7 Trade Pact

8 War


World Status

1 Member World

2 Associate World

3 Client State

4 Resisted World

5 Subjugate World

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In response to the first part of this thread - you can't dismantle damaged installations. They just sit there doing nothing until such time as there becomes a method to repair them. I believe Pete mentioned that there was a method to repair them , but he was displeased with how it worked. :(

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