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I would think you get every installation that is present if whatever condition it is found. Hopefully by then Pete will have worked what it takes to effect repairs of the damaged ones. However if a player were to convert all industries to defensive structures you would likely get much leass as they would be destroyed in the conquest. :unsure:

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(Azuth @ Jan 13 2004, 04:09 PM)

If you don't mind, just to set the record straight, Pete could you please confirm "exactly" what one would get when they conquer a homeworld. This is extremely important because I'm assuming I would get several other things when actually I may not. Depending on the answer it could change my idea of conquest to just subjugation. 



Maybe once somebody conquers a homeworld this info will get out. You know for sure that you don't get technology, and there isn't a game around that doesn't grant you the industries and stockpiles, so that much was pretty straightforward.


Gaining just that definitely makes it all worthwhile - so why ruin the surprise for the enterprising players who happen to put in all of the work necessary to take out somebody's home planet?


Now that statement makes it seems worthwhile. Thanks. :unsure:

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Sabre rattling dropped positions and shadow boxing supposed neighbours is nothing like fighting a live opponent. Try it some time ole chap, it is jolly good fun.


When pirate would-bes finally sack a living prize such as Panama, without getting gnawed up by the line of anti-pirate sharks deployed against you, then Royal command may consider the Eyre, or is it Eeoyore, a worthy opponent. Well, that is, once Pirate scientists finally realise that fusion technology is archaic and discover AM technology. Best of luck finding your tail, mate.


-Governor Henry Morgan

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Sabre rattling dropped positions and shadow boxing supposed neighbours is nothing like fighting a live opponent. Try it some time ole chap, it is jolly good fun.


When pirate would-bes finally sack a living prize such as Panama, without getting gnawed up by the line of anti-pirate sharks deployed against you, then Royal command may consider the Eyre, or is it Eeoyore, a worthy opponent. Well, that is, once Pirate scientists finally realize that fusion technology is archaic and discover AM technology. Best of luck finding your tail, mate.


-Governor Henry Morgan


Aye..well if I could find a live opponent we would be crossing sabers with them. Tis not our fault that we are in the Bermuda Triangle instead of in the prosperous waters of Jamaica...As to AM technology we are busily working on the precursor. Might be a tad bit funny working for a year to get a 16,000 thrust engine with some healthy chance to blow up but us maties probably will have it before you Red coat...


As to Panama being a live prize it has turned out to be a nexus it would see. Now Bahamas and Tortuga are rich systems...

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Aye..well if I could find a live opponent we would be crossing sabers with them. Tis not our fault that we are in the Bermuda Triangle instead of in the prosperous waters of Jamaica...

Finding one's tail part 1:


In an effort to help novice pirate would-bes, the Royal Command would suggest research into MK IV jump survey sensors. Once those are complete and deployed, fledgling Eeoyore cadets may some day advance beyond training exercises against dropped positions and vault into real competition.


Even with SRP, AM tech takes longer than a year to research all prerequisites and finish. However, the investment is quite worth it :unsure:


-Governor Henry Morgan

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