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NUD Orbital Installations & Forts


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It was possible in the past to design an Orbital Installation or Surface Fortress with an engine and/or jump drive. The design was actually treated as a Starship for all purposes, including combat, but the design name still said Orbital Installation or Surface Fortress (whatever you put in when the NUD went through).


There is now a check in the NUD code to prevent players from thinking that they had designed an Orbital or Fortress (and perhaps incorrectly banking on a mobile unit with a favorable structural integrity modifier) - such designs are now changed to Starships at the beginning of the NUD resolution.


There were only a few units actually constructed in the game with this anomaly - I have run a global check to alter those designs to say "Starship" (notes sent on the appropriate player's turns).

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Does this mean you can't build a Surface Fortress with Mk I Nuclear Engines as part of the design? :P

That is correct - see Chapter 7 Ship Design:


Once the design has been submitted, your Imperial Naval Unit Design Board will determine what the ship class is. Your design elements dictate this choice directly. If you design a ship that contains a lot of Cargo Holds, it will likely be classified as a Free Trader class vessel. The more precise ship class name (Trader, Light Freighter, Medium Freighter and so on) will depend on the total tonnage of the vessel. Your design decisions are used exclusively to determine the final ship class name.


That’s all there is to it. Surface Fortresses and Orbital Installations cannot move (no Jump Drives or Engines allowed), but otherwise they can be designed freely.

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If this is the case, then how do I power up my Force Shields and Deflectors and other systems? :woohoo:


According to their description they require power. Nuclear (and other types of) Engines generate power, therefore, I assumed that Engines were needed to provide the power source to "power up" the shields. If not, then is it assumed that these systems provide their own power generators? If so, it should have been stated that way in their description. :P


So now that a Fortress has suddenly become a Starship, does that mean we have to design another fortress w/o the engines, scrap the starship (former fortress) and build it again?

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If this is the case, then how do I power up my Force Shields and Deflectors and other systems? :woohoo:


According to their description they require power. Nuclear (and other types of) Engines generate power, therefore, I assumed that Engines were needed to provide the power source to "power up" the shields. If not, then is it assumed that these systems provide their own power generators? If so, it should have been stated that way in their description. :P


So now that a Fortress has suddenly become a Starship, does that mean we have to design another fortress w/o the engines, scrap the starship (former fortress) and build it again?

Every ship system provides its own power - Engines are used solely for movement, and don't indicate that they generate power for other ship systems. Just treat everything as self-contained--to gain more shield or deflector strength for a ship, installing more creates higher output.


There were only a very few orbital installations or surface fortresses in the game that had engines or jump drives - those were changed to properly display Starship (with an appropriate ship class such as Corvette, Strike Cruiser etc). They always were ships but didn't display their class correctly.


You could scrap it and make a fortress or orbital installation out of it by redesigning it without an engine or jump drive. This would eliminate strategic movement capability to gain structural integrity.

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