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Species Engineering


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I read somewhere on the old ezboard that it was possible to research a Species Engineering tech which gave 125 points to spend on lifeform abillities.

My questions are now

1) Can the points be saved for later?

2) Can you spend some points and save the rest

3) Can you spend them on lifeform type( ex change an avian to a standard mammal?

4) Can you convert all or some of the points to SRP´s ?


5) I curious how many points do the next level 2nd gen Species Engineering bring?



thanks Tokmok

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I read somewhere on the old ezboard that it was possible to research a Species Engineering tech which gave 125 points to spend on lifeform abillities.

My questions are now

1) Can the points be saved for later?

2) Can you spend some points and save the rest

3) Can you spend them on lifeform type( ex change an avian to a standard mammal?

4) Can you convert all or some of the points to SRP´s ?


5) I curious how many points do the next level 2nd gen Species Engineering bring?



thanks Tokmok

1 - yes

2 - yes

3 - yes

4 - no

5 - :)

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  • 1 month later...

hmmmm What about if you wanted to add wings to your humanoid lifeform. Thats actually

a -120 Points from your standard human. would those points then be added to the 125 you get from species engineering? of course if you are only allowed to 'add' attributes that would cost you points then this is moot.

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hmmmm What about if you wanted to add wings to your humanoid lifeform. Thats actually

a -120 Points from your standard human. would those points then be added to the 125 you get from species engineering? of course if you are only allowed to 'add' attributes that would cost you points then this is moot.

Right - can't do that one as it is really a penalty to gain points :blink:

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For discussions sake, would you be able to do this:


Go from being a Humanoid with Average Strength to being a Winged Humanoid with Brawny Strength?


Yes, you 'gain' points for going to Winged Humanoid (-120), but you also spend points to go to Brawny (+240). That would become a net expense of 120 points leaving you only 5 points left.


Or are you saying you can only spend Species Engineering points to buy off Disadvantages and buy Advantages?



SK :blink:

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For discussions sake, would you be able to do this:


Go from being a Humanoid with Average Strength to being a Winged Humanoid with Brawny Strength?


Yes, you 'gain' points for going to Winged Humanoid (-120), but you also spend points to go to Brawny (+240). That would become a net expense of 120 points leaving you only 5 points left.


Or are you saying you can only spend Species Engineering points to buy off Disadvantages and buy Advantages?



SK :)

You can only buy advantages. You can not create a disadvantage and thus have a bigger pool to spend for a subsequent advantage.


For example, you want something that costs, say 200 points, so you make your race, oh, smaller, or weaker, and use it to buy something that is more expensive than your 1st Gen (or whatever gen) Species Engineering will buy.

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But as you progress up that techbranch however expensive it may seem at first...other interesting options do present themselves...





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Now now my Insectoid friend, come over for bbq and we'll see if we can't front you some extra vicious claws :)



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