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Collecting those who Collect


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I, Gjor'haan, called as a disciple of Gjo'jaol, Darkness of Darkness, and Shor'ha, his servant; to The Collectors, to those that have been sanctified in Darkness, disciples by calling, with all who in every place call upon Gjo'jaol for strength, yield the following:


Tr’laa, the great dog of Shor’ja returns from the journey to the hidden sun.

She gently carries a Golden Acorn between her jaws.


She gathers trinkets from the darkest plumes of evening black; collecting those who Collect.


Will we loose Tr’laa to gather more? That depends.


Swear fealty to Gjo'jaol, and be spared.

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Gjor'haan's brooding even wears on his author over time. I'm thrilled that I've found someone at long last and hope that my enthusiasm for the game and its players isn't buried under a dark, thick layer of doom.


I'll happily accept the beer, Monsieur Kurrasier :cheers:


But, Gjor'haan's inclination remains to eradicate Star Bars from the dimension. I'm sure you understand.


Good gaming

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Are your Starbars in need of the services of my Ninja Chefs? :ph34r:


Our Iron Chef competitions are a little more robust than the boring earth variety. You have to sneak into a heavily fortified enemy stronghold, kill the lord of the stronghold, cook a 5 course meal involving the deceased, eat it, clean up after yourself, and escape without being discovered. :lol: :P


Sakarissa :cheers:

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But, Gjor'haan's inclination remains to eradicate Star Bars from the dimension. I'm sure you understand.

Now how could I possibly understand why anybody would want to eradicate StarBars from any dimension???

Utterly amazing, the StarBars and all who love beer will always fight back!!!



LONG LIVE THE STARBARS!!!! :cheers: and no soup for you!!! :P



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Are your Starbars in need of the services of my Ninja Chefs?


Bring them on in!! Always in need of good chefs. and a cooking competition to boot!!! Why we'll put it on the telescanners, sell tickets, sell beer.... :P

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