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CSV suggestion


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Would it be possible to change the Pop Group check on CSVs so that you could use any existing pop group when you make your check?


The reason being, you don't want to put a colony down on the world and build things and THEN see what the CSV is, what you want is to say, IF I put a colony on this world with the same facilities as Colony A, what could we expect for attrition.


Just a thought.


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While it would increase the size of my turn results a bit. I'd really like to see a Colony Report that just spit out a CSV every turn for any Pop Group that had a Population, thus eliminating 'empty' Pop Groups that are just Imperial Flags or Trade Drop-Off points.


That way you would see what effects, if any, new structures such as Domed Cities or "DUCKs" had on your Pop Group. It would also show you if you were over-industrializing (is that a word?) your homeworld and thereby increasing the detrimental effects of pollution there.


It would basically be an XCSV Order that is executed by your Pop Groups.



-SK :thumbsup:

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Wow! I love the idea of an empire-wide CSV order for existing colonies. Basically a management report asking your governors for thier projected attrition. This would be an awesome order.


This would be in ADDITION to allowing any pop group to form the basis for a CSV on an uncolonized world.


I could see another order, done per world, requiring a management report. It could do for a colony what an FOB or TAC does elsewhere. It gives you specific (or general) expectations for various occurences.


For example:

MGMT Ceti Alpha 6


The governor of Ceti Alpha 6 reports the following progress on his colony.


Attrition: Very Low

Immigration Potential: Fair

Science Potential: Very High

Morale: Excellent

Internal Security: Poor


Whatever, you get the idea. The example listed would judge not just attrition, but also how successful your management has been in making the world attractive to immigrants (over and above forced bussing), how the world rates in giving scientists a chance for a research breakthrough (also takes into account factors unique to the world and system), how happy the population is in general, perhaps how resistant/protected the world is in relation to subversion or even enemy agent actions. Stuff like that.


Pete, you know the actual system, so you could figure out the actual order and results. What do YOU think?



Chief Cook and Bottlewasher

Rathe Federation

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I second Octagons exclamation of "WOW" That was a brilliant idea Shadow! Kudos!





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It's a good idea - I could simply eliminate the colocation check for popgroup vs fleet. This would let you use a "template" colony somewhere for attrition calculation purposes elsewhere. However, the pop group # (if specified and passing the colocation check) is used for other purposes right now in the attrition procedure--would need to make some changes to ensure that the correct homeworld is being used in certain cases.

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If you are going to be fiddling with the CSV orders is there any chance of getting another catagory? I am looking for the utopia category which would be zero attrition. I find it very annoying that you can have ideal conditions and still have attrition. So another listing that means zero attrition would be nice. It don't care if I never find a utopia world I just don't want to be setting up colonies at every ideal world just to find out that attrition still happens.


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  • 6 months later...
It's a good idea - I could simply eliminate the colocation check for popgroup vs fleet. This would let you use a "template" colony somewhere for attrition calculation purposes elsewhere. However, the pop group # (if specified and passing the colocation check) is used for other purposes right now in the attrition procedure--would need to make some changes to ensure that the correct homeworld is being used in certain cases.

Agreed, good subject for a bump.

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