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Effects of colony bonuses on home system


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I started a colonizer race a while back, and decided to start another this turn. I used the same number of points on colony bonuses, although I rearranged my strengths and weaknesses just a little. My initial impression is that the new race is at a considerable disadvantage to the first. I have about a third as many worlds in the new home system, and none of them have the same atmosphere as the home world. With the first colonizer race I had several worlds in the home system with the same atmosphere as the HW, and a large number with zero or extremely low attrition. I was wondering how much variation others may have noticed in the quantity and suitability of worlds in the home system when trying to start a colonizer? If there is a lot of variability and I simply had poor luck with this one, then obviously I can just start another. However this leads to lots of dropped positions which is not good for the game.



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I'll give a hint to help out a little: the negative to attrition from really bad temperature is the same as that from having the wrong atmosphere. Once you get past a certain point, the temperature attrition caps - at the same level that a wrong atmosphere is at.


Therefore...if you have a world that has a reasonably close temperature to your homeworld, but the wrong atmosphere, you're fine. In some ways you're actually better off, because atmosphere is easy to combat: just build a Domed City and you slice off a huge chunk of the bad atmosphere attrition modifier :drunk:

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There's a lot of variation and I'm sure that has meant a lot of drops - sadly.....


With the Star League there's nowhere in the Home System I can live, and they're not bad colonizers. I know of one player with something silly like 23 orbits in the HW System and he can live on about 17 of them....go figure...


Lord High Seneschal to Ur-Lord Tedric

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<--- Colonizer


ONE other planet in the system worthy of colonization :lol:


I've had to adapt a bit. So many other worlds that are ideal and are less than 2-3 systems away. Its going to take a while to overrun them all.... :drunk: + :) + :) + :ph34r: + :alien2: + :alien2: + :alien2: + :alien2: .....


My advice to a colonizer race: develop engine technology ASAP (Mk II Fusion or even painfully grind through Mk III Fusion and get NTWD) The tree to Matter Transporters might help, too.

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We'll I am sort of feeling sort of in the middle. I have 15 planets. I can colonize 1 with no colonization items needed. I can colonize 9 with domed cities and city's for zero loses. The problem I find is that I only have MK I Fussion engines. I have a 2 AP speed. However, I can drop approximately 1200 per turn. I can't wait to get Mk Fusion II engines. I have not gotten any production bonus or able to build anything that produces the increased raw resources yet. However, my colonization bonuses allow for over 75 % of all systems to be open to me live on with only colony domes and cities. Sometimes, I feel so far behind and other times ahead. My average rate of production growth from this turn on will be about 350000 more resources each turn. :drunk:





Witch King Star Seeker

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Got to agree with PR here. Just got my position set up and I have a high grav HW with a surface temp of 64 K, methane atmosphere and semi liquid Hydrogen oceans. Only other planet is an asteroid belt. Oh and everything including the WP are within 0.7 AU of the star. :o


Fortunately I have good colonization bonuses and I can set up fuel skimming operations on my HW more efficiently than I can build refineries so I think it is all up to how you make the best out of what you have. :thumbsup:


I am also hoping that there are lots of cold rockballs out there. :P

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Well in case you did not know, the survey of the warp point coming back to your HW will succeed.

Domed cities will take care of a lot of attrition, on the asteriod.

If there are good colonies, in the next system, go for transwarp drives right away, and engines to make them have at least 4 AP. So you can colonize the one away systems easily.









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I am also hoping that there are lots of cold rockballs out there.  :python:



You're in luck - getting a cold HW, IMHO, is probably the best boost to colonisation you can get!

How so?


The systems that I explored (which have planets, about 50%) have an average temperature range of 300 - 400 degrees Kelvin!


Wish I had taken High Temperature Resistant. :taz:

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