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14 Day Turnaround???


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Hi all,

As a relatively new player to SN [12 months ] I wonder what the response would be to a 7 or 10 day turnaround to a newly starting game of SN.


With a quite small Empire I usually have my turn ready within 1/2 days and then have what seems like an age to receive the turn results nearly 2 weeks later.


IMO a 7/10 day turnaround game would be ideal,although I would really appreciate feedback from LARGE initial Empires as to the possible difficulties in this.


Of course even with large player backing it would be RTG who ultimately decided whether such a game would be economically viable.


Anyway,what do players think?I would appreciate your comments and those of Russ/Pete



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The current 14 day turn around is too short IMHO so your idea of a 7 to 10 day turn around

wont sit well. you will find that as positions get VERY large and political intrigues grow you will need all the time you can get. 14 day turn around also allows for multiple positions

not being such a strain on pocket books. I myself would like to see a 21 day turn around but that probably wont be very popular to most players. :cheers:

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I am generally lucky to have my turns done by the Tuesday before turns due. The bigger my empires get the longer it takes. If you are working with any other players then that also takes a bit of time.


However, the killer for me would be the doubling of the cost. I really could not afford twice the expense. Another factor is that with a two week turn around I have been able to get my turns in one way or the other. With a single week there would have been many time when no turn would have been submitted due to travel and other real life needs. When you start missing turns you start losing interest all together.




I would also suggest that there may be more stuff that I do with my position(s) than you do ie., mapping, data collation etc.

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Two weeks is about right, but wow, that many orders! I'm having enough fun with 40 and a single planet! B)


So much to do and build!

I got away with 40 orders for some time too. Just wait until you start trying to trade with someone...


They add up fast. And the more orders you do the more chance to be a complete bonehead and screw something simple up.


"I swore that fleet had enough fuel..." :ph34r:




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Once upon a time I wanted the same but now:


1) My partner would kill me

2) My boss would kill me

3) My credit card company would kill me

4) My daughter would forget my name


I have enough with the 240-280 orders I have to crank out every fortnight...




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Two weeks is about right, but wow, that many orders! I'm having enough fun with 40 and a single planet! 


So much to do and build!


Wow. I am already up to 50 to 60 per turn not counting the ANZ and INST I am doing to fill in the rest and I am only 5 cycles into this game. I tried to do only 40 but that leaves too many things undone.


They add up fast. And the more orders you do the more chance to be a complete bonehead and screw something simple up.


This is why I agree with the more experienced players that two weeks is adequate and 7 to 10 days wold be a major problem.


My steps for putting a turn together are:

1. I write out my entire turn in a Word document.

2. Ponder that for a couple of days

3. Start entering my turn in the Order Entry program

4. Once done with entry QC the entire order against my written instructions.

5. Ponder for a couple more days and send in on the Tuesday before turns are due. B)


I know it sounds like overkill (OK it sounds anal) but I figure when the turn gets complicated and I start running into people I will be able to avoid making mistakes. Better to get into the habit early.


Edit: I realized I forgot to mention updating all of my spreadsheets with new data as step 0. :ph34r:

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[Wow. I am already up to 50 to 60 per turn not counting the ANZ and INST I am doing to fill in the rest and I am only 5 cycles into this game. I tried to do only 40 but that leaves too many things undone.


So far I haven't found anything smaller than a Class D worm hole, so this is keeping me quiet.


[i know it sounds like overkill (OK it sounds anal) but I figure when the turn gets complicated and I start running into people I will be able to avoid making mistakes. Better to get into the habit early.


Exactly, just finding my feet also. Thankfully the boards have been really useful in understanding the mistakes I've been making (and avoiding for the most part!).

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Exactly, just finding my feet also. Thankfully the boards have been really useful in understanding the mistakes I've been making (and avoiding for the most part!).


Absolutely agree. I find most of the active board residents to be very helpful. Even some WHAPO are helpful. :oops:


Hope you can get past those Ds soon. :oops:

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