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Industrial Output Figures


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Been studying Pete's latest addition to the turn and wondering why my spreadsheet doesn't quite match up. I have realised it is because I assumed that you need ICs to make the "troop" element of ground units. I assumed them to be 50,000 tons (troopers, imp army soldiers, etc all weigh 50,000) and calculated the ICs accordingly. It appears though that making troopers, etc costs just one IC!


Is this correct, and where does it say that such units are a special case! Have I missed something??

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Making a trooper only "costs" one IC, this also includes Imperial Guard Soldier, Imperial Army Soldier, etc. To make these units the materials required are 1 colonist.


To make the "specialized" troops (Ex:Imperial Guard Infantry) you need roughly 250,001 tons of material (usually 1 soldier, 150 000 tons of Weapons, 50 000 tons of Steel, 50 000 tons of Food Concentrates) That is when you really use up your ICs

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Thanks, I never realised - wonder where it says they are a special case in the rules :rolleyes:


Whilst we're on the subject of Pete's figures it appears shipyards use no power at all. I thought this was a temporary fix to enable Pete to fix the code (ie shipyards use power when in use). It appears most unsatisfactory and does not fit with the ANZ (unless Pete's changed that as well). Did Pete say that he is going to revisit this?

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Shipyards only use power when you are actually building ships or scrapping them hence they have flexible power use




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Pete told me twice that bug was fixed when asked. So now it isn't? Geez...and here I've been lugging ICMs to the colonial shipyards...*sigh* I would like to restate that I'd wish to have a ongoing thread about whats NOT fixed so at least everyone can abuse it at the same time...



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Yep, they'll draw power all the time. It's easy enough to scrap and rebuild them later if they aren't being used.

I didn't know that they weren't drawing power either, but that doesn't matter. I made sure they had power available because every once-in-a-while I actually do max out my shipyards.


As far as I'm concerned, they might as well draw power all the time.

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