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The reconnection of the Great Oracle...

Ur Lord Tedric

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With the announcement of the reconnection of the most important residence in Colorado to the rest of the world, could I reiterate a plea from those who cannot afford to make such calls very often?


Would it be possible for GM answers to game mechanics questions be summarised in a larger GM notes bit on subsequent turns each time?


That way there'd be a lot more understanding of what can and cannot be done in the meantime, whilst we await the updated rules re-write.


It might also cut down on answering the same questions and leave more time for finishing off the game..... :)





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I agree.

Any time spent on this on the boards would definitely be saved from answering the emails that are spawned when someone has heard of a change and everyone spurt to ask you about it. Sort of like the old "These are the things we are working on and ETA" thread I suggested way back that was considered to be too time consuming.



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Not sure I wanna spring for the international phone calls however nice it would be to speak with you in person :)





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Er...it's not like I get 47 calls a day. If you call, I'd be happy to help out. Sometimes it's just easier to talk things over on the phone.

No indeed and just occasionally it's worth investing in a call for really important things! :thumbsup:


Unless we can call collect??? :cheers:


Whilst the rules re-write is ongoing, however, it would be most appreciated if general answers to game-mechanic questions could be summarised every two weeks and added to the front, or back, of the turn files in the GM comments block. This would also capture those things for Russ and add to the rules' future clarity.


I'm quite happy to surf the board, but I get the impression that there are quite a number of people who don't. Some sort of FAQs file that fell out of same would also be an excellent download from the main site. :taz:





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Has anyone looked at doing Voice over IP? It is certainly much much cheaper for those calling from outside of colorado.


Another alternative might be to use one of the Instant Messangers and Pete/Russ can become available when time allows.


Lord SaHeru

That would be brilliant if it were possible...


But, whilst I've been content with CompuServe/AOL for years, I know it's intolerant of anything else; so I guess this might not be possible...


Thanks for the thought, though.



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You can also just get set up with Roger Wilco or Team Speak and set up a time to chat. It is then free to anybody with an internet connection world wide.


I play a couple of games that use this and it seems to work quite nicely being able to team up with folks in Australia, Japan, US, Canada and the UK all at the same time.



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