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HW Pollution


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I've been considering this recently but am unsure if this happens or not. Does the pollution index increase on the homeworld every turn? Or does pollution only increase on colony worlds as they get built up?


What happens if I increase the amount of stripmines on the HW? OR, if I increase the number of IC's... what effects does that have?



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Yes, my own HW for the Concordium started with enough pollution that the world is "Close but Less than Ideal" for my race when I scan it. BUT, Pete has pointed out that Homeworlds are special in that much of the attrition rules do not apply to the HW. Hence you can have races start on highly polluted or microbe infested worlds, and your race is unaffected (Note: Such conditions could be considered a bonus as they make invasion of the world more difficult for enemy troops).


No word from Pete on what happens if your HW changes from No pollution to Heavily Polluted though.

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On my HW pollution is "a major concern" although our conditions are still ideal. My understanding is that if we were to colonise another world with similar levels of pollution we would need lots of pollution processors. Apparently our native immunity to pollution only extends to the HW.

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On my HW pollution is "a major concern" although our conditions are still ideal. My understanding is that if we were to colonise another world with similar levels of pollution we would need lots of pollution processors. Apparently our native immunity to pollution only extends to the HW.

It's a different sort of pollution. If one is used to LA smog, then goes to Denver during a pressure inversion, there could still be trouble, because of the different gases involved.

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On my HW pollution is "a major concern" although our conditions are still ideal. My understanding is that if we were to colonise another world with similar levels of pollution we would need lots of pollution processors. Apparently our native immunity to pollution only extends to the HW.

It's a different sort of pollution. If one is used to LA smog, then goes to Denver during a pressure inversion, there could still be trouble, because of the different gases involved.

Far too technical an explanation :P

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