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What would you classify your race as?


What would you classify your race as?  

46 members have voted

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anyyyyyyyyways. what are you guys? extremist in one area and weak in an other...


or moderate types?



I'm the colonizing/science moderate.


You'll never know my weakness tho =P

Edited by RTGRuss
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I have another race that does not fit clearly into any of the above categories. My design was based upon trying to make them into the ultimate race of spies and infiltrators. (MOO II fans should think "Dorlock.") :P Pete warned me that the espionage game would not be well developed for quite some time, but I decided to plan for the (very) long term, and go with my original race design, anyway.


Anyway, I chose the diplomacy category because many of the racial trates that make for good spies, also make for good diplomats.



(aka Arcane Services, Inc.)

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oh spies...


hmm i did taht too actually


shapeshifter with c4 telepathics... can't go wrong with that and it all cost only 530 points =)

That's right. Then throw in some chameleon ability, natural linguistic ability, and highly accute senses. :cheers: Then just sit back and take bets on how long it will take the local police to find Waldo. :thumbsup:



(aka Arcane Services, Inc.)

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yeah phenominal senses! it also happens to make a great research bonus...


hmm i never really opted for natural linguistics but i imagine that would help a lot.


we're ninjas! :thumbsup:



can we have chameleon and shapeshifting at the same time?

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can we have chameleon and shapeshifting at the same time?

I sincerely hope so. Otherwise, both I an all the members of my race are severely self-deluded.


"Meet agent Wraith. Due to advanced training in his natural abilities, he can blend in to any background, making him virtually invisible. Unfortunately, this virtually invisibility only seems to work when no one is looking at him."



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Please keep this board non political unless it is galactic politics we're talking. It gets real ugly real fast otherwise and I would prefer to not have to skip your posts when I see your nics in fear of getting all riled up by (insert your political view here) clashing with (insert opponents political view here) so please if you want to discuss that keep it to IM or another board. This election is already the dirtiest on both sides I've ever seen so let's keep this a earth dirtfree board ok?





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Kudos to all the firefighters involved who want to keep this place a relatively flame free place when it comes to real life politics! It speaks for you character and integrity. I salute you.





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