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Warship Size


What is your biggest size warship?  

39 members have voted

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Our largest ships are just barely over half a megaton. They're cargo haulers, go fig. As soon as we have enough discretionary industry, we're going to build a bunch of engines and break one up into smaller, faster ships, though. More efficient for in-system use.


EDIT: Oh, and there should be an option in the poll for "We don't believe war exists, so we have no ships devoted to it."

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"We don't believe war exists, so we have no ships devoted to it."


And what are you going to do when Turok or Azuth shows up. Drop a flower garland on their shoulders and kiss them on the cheek?


Frankly we are for peace and harmony and all that but we are not waiting for someone to show up and gloat over our corpses. (Although he may still still do so, at least we will try to give him a fight if he wants one.)


Alas poor Krelnett, I knew him well. :D

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Word from deep space is there is an empire of Beatle groupies who are on a crusade to rid the universe of Yoko Ono. They might consider your support and honorary Zraknod membership of John Lennon, as just enough reason to burn your HW from orbit.

I'd be careful.


Lord Uriel

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Krelnett I hope that you run into those races that are willing to trade although I am not sure what you will trade if not military items. You could trade raw materials and what I call economic goods but most of those are easy enough to research especially if you are not researching military items.


Well good luck and I hope you find the aliens as accomodating as you hope to. :D

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As a fellow HBOB member, should someone attempt to attack Krelnett or his people, we would probably intercept any and all weapons aimed at him and destroy them. :robot:

We would then sit down with Krelnett and have a beer/mead and talk about the folly of such alien races. :beer::cheers::drunk:

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