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Use of SRP's


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Hi all,


Here's another question, something I just noticed.


When I make a research breakthrough, an ANZ of the recently developed tech is provided (no, that's not what I just noticed).


What I noticed was that for MK2 Jump Survey Sensors, a "rating" was provided (fair in this case). However, for 2nd Generation Space Science, no rating was provided in the ANZ report.



Why is this important you ask? In a previous post, I asked what the upper limit of "SRP"ing researchable tech was. The response was that anything up to a "good" rating was eligible for SRPing and that anything beyond a "good" rating would have to be researched without the use of SRP's.


However, since it appears that 2nd Generation Space Science (a Horizon Technology) didn't include a rating, does this mean that I can continue along that path (using up SRP's) and potentially get to 10th Generation Space Science (only an example) using the SRP's?


Or, is there a limit to researching "Horizon Technology" using SRP's? If there is a limit, does anyone care to share? Is it 4th Generational Horizon Tech? 5th Gen? Never ending (as long as you have SRP's to spend)?





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But remember, that's only the basic techs. Anything for which you start the game knowing 1g. As a purley theoretical example, if you can't research 1g Led Zeppelin until you've reached 3g Yardbirds, then LZ is a 4th gen tech as far as research costs and SRPs.

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4th gen in basic horizon techs. There are definately some horizon techs that are considered more advanced and hence will not go to 4th generation through SRP (Genetics, Species, Cybernetics, Social, etc.). There are also Horizon techs which will not SRP from the get go such as MK I Matter Transportters.


When looking to ship systems, a classification of "GOOD" is usually as high as you can use SRP points.


Good Cheer,

Rick McFarland

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Here's an easy(ier :taz: ) rule......


From the tech you start with (whatever it's called) you seem to be able to 'Slot 1' everything up to 3 branches down the tech tree. This is why it's referred to as 4th Level/Generation. The latter appellation can be confusing, however, as, for example, 2nd Gen Civil Admin is, in fact, a 4th Level tech.


For most ship systems that means you can get to ratings of 'Good' before it stops. This latter is important, because there are some items that can be 'Slot 1nd' after the 3rd branch is reached; ie you can Slot 1 an 'Adequate' item even after a 'Good' item opens it up....


Chief Scientist to Ur-Lord Tedric


PS In order to make sure you don't end up spending SRPs on techs you don't want to, we would suggest putting something in 'Slot 2' that you would like, but just haven't got around to; because, as we understand it, if the item in 'Slot 1' is not 'buyable' (and you're experimenting) then the SRPs will be spent on 'Slot 2', and so on, until a Slot is reached that they can be spent on.


PPS On that note, it's worth mentioning what happens when, especially for races like the Star League that spent all their points, we are lucky enough to receive a gift from the Oracle. They are only activated on the first time you use an SRP order, but are then spent thereafter as above. This will have great implications down the line when much research is on things that aren't 'buyable'. Free SRPs will then be spent on things we just hadn't worried/thought about yet...... <_<

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Thanks for all the good info guys. It makes sense that there is an upper limit to SRP'able tech. I had just thought that since there was no rating, that it might not apply.


Can SRP's be spent on Advanced items? Or is there a limitation there as well?


Oh, what kind of statement do you get if you put something in slot 1 that cannot be SRP'd? Does it say that you are unable to research further, or is there just no mention and you see the RC2 item get completed instead?



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Oh, what kind of statement do you get if you put something in slot 1 that cannot be SRP'd?  Does it say that you are unable to research further, or is there just no mention and you see the RC2 item get completed instead?




At a guess- not that it's happened to me- you'd research the slot 1 item as normal, and slot 2 would be researched and completed (if applicable), and you'd get the ANS for that, etc.

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