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Game 75


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Things are very quite lateleys...




I'm wonder if it is storm soon, or calm that is before...?


I think I build me some Katyusha and go see what happening in other area.



Au Plaisir



It seems we have entered the grind period of the game. Everybody is involved in a fight somewhere, and doesn't seem to want to talk about it. I suspect things will pick up here soon, as somebody is sure to poke the hornets nest.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can i talk about the destruction of France and Italy  ;)


Oh. Is that all corrects?



I thoughts that the Switzerland was in troubles?


And, how comes the Lowlands and Poland never talks?


Are you, Daneland, the Capitaine of the Confederacies?


Haven't that much to say, conquering too much French provinces every turn ;)

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Can i talk about the destruction of France and Italy  ;)


Oh. Is that all corrects?



I thoughts that the Switzerland was in troubles?


And, how comes the Lowlands and Poland never talks?


Are you, Daneland, the Capitaine of the Confederacies?




And I've been buisy with some home improvment ;) . I'm not in truble, I Had some unruley guests over and things got a little out of hand :D . Some things got broke so I thought now is a good time for some renovations :cheers:

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Allo tous le monde!



Okays. I'm finnsihed participation in big Victory! parade throughs the streets of xHelsinki.

it was nescessary, as my infantrie demand that my presence be there. (my loyal troops loves me so muches, you see) :drunk:

It very gratifying to visit one of the enemies capitols, buts... I'm very disapointeds in how the citezens are so rebelious and I despises the factorie choices and cities horrible buildings architecture. :o


I'm very perlexed, at how I cans builds all the buildings I want in one turn, but it takes forever to demolish what's I dont wants... :taz:


But I gets idears! :blink:


And graciously invites the Swedenlands navy to come and CB xHelsinki.


Don't worry, the_dark_monk. I not builds anies CHAB or CLAB, for you to have to waste munition on.



You can trust me: I ams "homme d'honneur ", ands I promise not to sink you navy on my following turn - eithers!



So come and give the city a big bang, and send all you big ships, not just some DD's. Aim for the factoreis - Pleases ;)




Au Plasir,





Benevelonce conqeurer of Finlands

(and leader of)

The Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands.

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I think you will find that Sweden is TAed to Finland so a bombing campaign would not be forth coming. Have you realy made it to Helsinki? very good, maybe you could enlighten us to what parts of the scandinavians you control. It would help me when i finally invade Sweden, i dont want to be stepping on your toes. I suppose I could send a few ships if you like to CB Helsinki? if it would help but it may take a few turns to get there. Also would you mind if i landed in Finland and took a few southern cities to help me take out Sweden.

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I think you will find that Sweden is TAed to Finland so a bombing campaign would not be forth coming.

And why nots? It is Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands propriete.




Have you realy made it to Helsinki?

Yes. Look at you RWE on the near bottom of your turn repots. It lists which major cities have fallen. xHelsinki fall a while ago.




very good, maybe you could enlighten us to what parts of the scandinavians you control. It would help me when i finally invade Sweden, i dont want to be stepping on your toes.

I'll tell you in provates, wher I am. I'ms in strong strategic position, but even so, I'm not wants the enemy to know too mushes, right now. :wub:

I'm looks forwards to your invasion, but you better waits for me to wear down "the_dark_monk" little bit firsts. He have no hopes against me and my forces. You see; I have new T-34 model tank, and in these process of welding bayonettes to the hulss. I'm scare them out of the forests, for you soon. :cheers:



I suppose I could send a few ships if you like to CB Helsinki?  if it would help but it may take a few turns to get there.

You'll have to declare war on the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, to do that. This might confuses some people (and probablie me too). :cheers:




Also would you mind if i landed in Finland and took a few southern cities to help me take out Sweden.

Agains. I own it all alreadies.




What you can do, is tells me where the Sweden navies is. I'm looks and looks, and no more find them for a while now. Somebody sink it all? I'm not hears of thats. :oops:

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  • 1 month later...




Sweden navy founds and started to be sinking.







Entre temps...



I want to hear from following countries, please...


- Icelands

- Lowlands

- Danelands

- Great Britains


Thank you




Au Plaisir,




Northern (Mother) Rissia Land

Victory! game 75

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The faithful Orthodox forces have completed the conquest of the infidels in the Vatican. Now for the heathens of Mecca.....



Heathens of Mecca? So now the Greeks want a holy war? It seems that you have been left alone to do pretty much as you pleased in Europe, but obviously, Europe is not enough for you. Come venture across our Sea, and find out if you like what you find my friend.

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