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Game 75


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Yes, Mare Nostrum it is. It will soon be painfully obvious to the Rumanians and the Greeks that nobody sails Our Sea without our permission.



You know, I am kind of looking forward to these Rumanian and Greek Ships-of-the-line. That is the one thing I am lacking in this game - naval kills. I get to destroy plenty of tanks (and yes I am willing to take out some of Rumania's T-34s if they came knocking), but I want to put a battle ship in my crosshairs. I bet they make a spectacular explosion if you hit them right.

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Oh, oh, oh...

All these boastings, and nobody of us knows if any have meanings behind these words. :D

Are you all have the strengths, for behind these words?

Me, I haves. :nuke:


I show the world, part of my forces to be feared... :ninja:


Let me find one of my favorites...


Ah yes. Here we go. :)



Nation: Northern Russia  Game#75         

                                                        AIR GROUP REPORT

I Wing            (4 air groups)   is located at x[Censured for reasoning of national securities]     

Air Group Name                     Experience    Planes                  
30th Tactical Recon, Po-2             Elite      10/ 10                   
40th Tactical Recon, Po-2             Elite      10/ 10
42nd Tactical Recon, Po-2             Elite      10/ 10                   
50th Tactical Recon, Po-2             Elite      10/ 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


These very good, air group. They fight well, for me.



It all female pilots, because, as we all know, a woman very mean when she gets angry mad. <_<


Now nobody come near the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, that not want to be my freind, or else I send these girls after yous... :blink:



Au Plaisir






Edits: It hard to make the turn report look same in a post. :ninja: I had to chops the right side off, or else it all looked like jumbled. :ninja:

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Fluer - no need to appologize. Those TR planes with women pilots are scary enough.


As for Rumania's Russian navy, I was thinking I could target the sails on the battleships first. Once they are dead in the water, then I could attack the wooden hulls with flame throwers and watch the pretty fires on the water. That is sure to be a hit with the coastal residents.

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Fluer -  no need to appologize.  Those TR planes with women pilots are scary enough.


As for Rumania's Russian navy, I was thinking I could target the sails on the battleships first.  Once they are dead in the water, then I could attack the wooden hulls with flame throwers and watch the pretty fires on the water.  That is sure to be a hit with the coastal residents.


Sails? My battleships will be fine then. We use oars. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I sees the Lowlands are administer some territoire, in Scandanavia, for me, while I'ms on the road to there.


I'ms appreciates your thoughtfulnesses.



Until that I arrives; do me little favors, pleases...


Builds ARM factories. My T-34 ( <- the "T" stands for Terrible! :cheers: ) require amounts very large. They consumes some lots of FUEL too, so also builds me some OIL refineries. But not too many, mostly ARM factories.


Merci boucoups , mon ami.


I be there soon...



Au Plaisir,



Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands.

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I sees the Lowlands are administer some territoire, in Scandanavia, for me, while I'ms on the road to there.


I'ms appreciates your thoughtfulnesses.



Until that I arrives; do me little favors, pleases...


Builds ARM factories. My T-34 ( <- the "T" stands for Terrible!  :cheers:  ) require amounts very large. They consumes some lots of FUEL too, so also builds me some OIL refineries. But not too many, mostly ARM factories.


Merci boucoups , mon ami.


I be there soon...



Au Plaisir,



Soundl like Lowlands has his hands full. Trying to put one finger in the Iberian dike, one in the Scandinavian dike, helping out with the German dike, while needing a few for the Island nations dike. One of those leaks are sure to become a flood, I would think.

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Soundl like Lowlands has his hands full. Trying to put one finger in the Iberian dike, one in the Scandinavian dike, helping out with the German dike, while needing a few for the Island nations dike. One of those leaks are sure to become a flood, I would think.

the Tsunami of Christmas day was small compared to this one :o


Does someone have some towels to clean up the mess?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Allo L'Allemagne!

* wave *



It very nice that I sees a Germany's commander that is more capable than the last one.

Very nice utilizations of you Ju-88A-4's. <_<


But you mustn't nots be too means to my freind, Stalin. He not very patient man, nor he understands all the finnesses of tactics like a Grand Mareschalle ( like me :alien: ).

He going to lose his sang froid soon. I'm gives you this amicale warning now. Because if - I haves to intervenes - I also get angry mad.

I'm needs my orders for other things. You see, the Scandanavians were very badly behaved, and there is much reorganizations requireds from me, in the whole penninsula.


Au Plaisir,






Edits: Spellings...

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But you mustn't nots be too means to my freind, Stalin. He not very patient man, nor he understands all the finnesses of tactics like a Grand Mareschalle ( like me  ).


Do you mean using a sledgehammer is not a sign of finness...... <_<


I will have to rethink my tactics for cracking open a egg shell (germany).... :alien:


Till then a few more sledgehammer blows will do...... :)



DezertCamel :alien:

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Lowlands isn't the only one with fingers either :alien:



Well, if your little digits are planning on stopping any flow from the south, it appears you will have to elbow Lowlands out of the way, as he obviously believes he needs to use his own fingers for that one.



Your interpitation of the latest move is,...well, lacking some thing <_< . what could it be :alien: .... A concept maybe, the understanding of a particular word that may not have made it into the Algerian dictionary :o .

Needed some help did you, sending Morocco after me like that. And why have we never heard from him :D ???? Or is it you have to many fronts of your own. :)

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