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Game 77


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Galvorn - Italy checking in!!!


I failed to understand the last post. Forget the Nude Tennis, Rasputin are you the Governer of Italy or is Galvorn the Governer of Italy.



Noble enemy Rasputin! Italy again? And with me Austria, we start with common borders....again. Perhaps we can try something different than the bloodshed of game75.....or maybe not (maybe I will become Governor of Italy yet, Spartacus), it is a new game after all.



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I failed to understand the last post. Forget the Nude Tennis, Rasputin are you the Governer of Italy or is Galvorn the Governer of Italy.


Secondly the nation of Great Britain is in need of Supplies. If anyone would like to start shipping runs to us please get in contact, we are willing to pay in hard currency for the right supplies.


Sorry not reading post - Rasputin you are the Leader of Italy


The Nude Tennis team was a running story from game 71. When this boring, go check it out. It makes for an interesting read.

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Galvorn - Italy checking in!!!


Noble enemy Rasputin! Italy again? And with me Austria, we start with common borders....again. Perhaps we can try something different than the bloodshed of game75.....or maybe not (maybe I will become Governor of Italy yet, Spartacus), it is a new game after all.



[Adjusting vocal tones to Clint Eastwood] Do you feel lucky?





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News Headlines


The League of Nations has sent observers too many parts of the world and has sent in these reports.


The USSR has suffered an identity crisis. Maybe the crisis is pre-planned. Would the Northern and Southern states of the USSR feel confident with such a neighbor?


Diplomatic contacts and channels of communication have become garbled with deception and untrustworthiness being levied at all levels. The question has to be asked, who you can trust.


Past lives come to haunt the people of Austria and Italy. Is history going to repeat itself or is it a front to deceive the people of Yugoslavia.


The Scandinavian nations of Norway, Sweden and Finland wish to unite under one King.


The people of the Lowlands feel threatened by two great nations on either side.


The President of the United States has been caught with his pants down, something was mentioned about THAT dress and a stain.


Just an Observation

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Hi Gull.

Yes the nude women's tennis team is back and bouncy as ever. This time the umpire wanted to be nude as well, but as it was Andre the Giant, we told him he at least had to wear some bog-catchers. Some of the ball girls are still in therapy...

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Not wanting to put a damp Squidward on events but Im the Joker in the pack. Tennis, nude or otherwise is not as much fun as being a Sponge or a Bob, does anyone wanna condense the joke into one sentence that the rest of us can understand and enlighten us as to who plays naked tennis.


Thanks and let me know who you are so i can invade you all :ninja:

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Shadowkitsune & EmperessWu:


I see what you both meen by trash talk and annoying posters. I thought Bob pants had his own thread. And that e-mail address thing, holycow :ranting: .


My little brother would not like how you use SpongeBob at all Mr. SquarePants. You should watch more of his cartoons so you can get it right :D . :ninja:

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Southern Russia (Glamdring)

Trans Jordan (Tekeda)

Syria (Sponge Eater)

Iceland (Hersir)

Saudi Arabia (Rommel)

Austria (Galvorn)

Greece (Earthling)

Persia (HeavyB )

USA (cd ernst)

France (Silverwing)

Sweden (JStrait)

UAE (Gecko)

Great Britain (Spartacus)

Ireland (Irish PM)

Lowlands (Fast Freddy)

Morocco (tHE Mole)

Tunisia (Ali Tosis)

Baltic States (Shadow Kitsune)

Hungary (AahzTheMagnificent)

Germany (EDH)

Turkey (Meaty Bites)

Norway (Lord Vader)

Romania (TheEmpressWu)

Libya (ernst)

Bulgaria (JTBB64)

Finland (Bruinfan)

Central Russia (Rogue Leader)

Switzerland (gulliblepratt)

Czechoslovakia (Austinian)

Italy (Rasputin)

Yugoslavia (Zvonko_Dobrovic)

Algeria (relloyd)




Not Checked In:


Canada ???

Egypt ???

Iraq ???

Northern Russia ???

Spain ???

Portugal ???

Poland ???

Denmark ???



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