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The Flock


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Nice touch of humor :(


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Flock # 540 [White Wings On Blue]

Ill BE BACK [ROE: Z] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 CO Micro Talon IV (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])


The welcome mat is on the porch. :(

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  • 2 years later...


Gary - Yep, we "bumped" a few times this turn ……….. :rolleyes:


Side 2

[9] 1 BorderGuard 3 class BC..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[2] 1 Gateway class CCA..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 2 Vic 20b class CO..................................................2 Destroyed


AND the previous turn


Side 2

[7] 6 Vic 20b class CO..................................................6 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[2] 1 PDS class SFX..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 PDS2 class PSX..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Samaritan class LTA..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Trooper class BMZ..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Don't worry, I haven't forgot that y'all are still out there.

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Not knowing whether you are one of those people who only post victorious results or whether you also post your own losing battles, it's not 100% clear from this list who owned the destroyed ships. Would you post a couple examples of your battles so we can all (presumably) laugh at Gary? Thanks.






Gary - Yep, we "bumped" a few times this turn ……….. :rolleyes:


Side 2

[9] 1 BorderGuard 3 class BC..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[2] 1 Gateway class CCA..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 2 Vic 20b class CO..................................................2 Destroyed


AND the previous turn


Side 2

[7] 6 Vic 20b class CO..................................................6 Destroyed


Side 2

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[2] 1 PDS class SFX..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 PDS2 class PSX..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Samaritan class LTA..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Trooper class BMZ..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Vic 20b class CO..................................................1 Destroyed


Don't worry, I haven't forgot that y'all are still out there.

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Not knowing whether you are one of those people who only post victorious results or whether you also post your own losing battles, it's not 100% clear from this list who owned the destroyed ships. Would you post a couple examples of your battles so we can all (presumably) laugh at Gary? Thanks.


I don't normally post any detailed results win or lose and appreciate that the PA shows the same restraint - it would be to neither of our advantage to publicly post system names, ship designs, etc....


All the encounters were with PA vessels, but none would be considered epic battles - as you can see most of the PA resistance was with single corvettes.


Nothing to laugh at here - While I don't pretend to be a mind reader, I believe Gary's post was an attempt to get me to move some fleets away from more sensitive regions or...... was it to get me to leave them in place so the PA can crush me? Only time will tell if I let him influence my decisions or not.............

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  • 2 years later...

Nice touch of humor :laugh:


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Flock # 540 [White Wings On Blue]

Ill BE BACK [ROE: Z] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 CO Micro Talon IV (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])


The welcome mat is on the porch. :python:

Gary - nearly five years and your still sending ships to the old Flock HW? I'll have to say you are persistent! Still got the welcome mat out for you.......

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Nice touch of humor :laugh:


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Flock # 540 [White Wings On Blue]

Ill BE BACK [ROE: Z] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 CO Micro Talon IV (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])


The welcome mat is on the porch. :python:

Gary - nearly five years and your still sending ships to the old Flock HW? I'll have to say you are persistent! Still got the welcome mat out for you.......



I keep my Word.


Second, you really do not know other than seeing the guarding fleet, what is recieved by probing a conquered world? I already knew it was empty, so that is not it.

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Nice touch of humor :laugh:


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Flock # 540 [White Wings On Blue]

Ill BE BACK [ROE: Z] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 CO Micro Talon IV (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])


The welcome mat is on the porch. :python:

Gary - nearly five years and your still sending ships to the old Flock HW? I'll have to say you are persistent! Still got the welcome mat out for you.......



I keep my Word.


Second, you really do not know other than seeing the guarding fleet, what is recieved by probing a conquered world? I already knew it was empty, so that is not it.


Well, what you tried there failed, as it is exploiting a bug and got reverted.

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I did not EXPOIT a bug, I tested the game system and here is how it works. thru many tests at that HW and at other HW's with other empires. SInce RTG is famous for NOT telling you exactly how things work and wanting you to test and figure them out yourself, that is what I did. My testing led me to believe the following.


Say on pulse 10 I move to your HW. IF you run first, you will not get a fleet sighting of me and there for your encounter of x will not cause a battle. Later that pulse I move in and sight your fleet. no Baltle orrurs because I have encounter of Q


This means that since the battle occurs at the end to the pulse that the next pulse I get to do one order before my fleet is gone.


I have done at your HW, lots of probes and lots of different orders, and they succeed about half the time. That is how I got the POP GROUP there, that is how I orbed the world. After learnign how the system worked I figured out how to take the HW from you based on my tests and DID< IE my plan worked.


Enter Pete says this is not how it works and is going to give you back the HW, this is BS. I did nothing wrong, if my conclusions were wrong because the game system is broke how am I supposed to know that??????? This is the GM's fault, and he should let the HW stay with me.


In other situations like this he did not reverse what happened, and example is wormholes, When an ally of mine has his HW lost because warping in thru a WORM does not give the defender a Sighting, PETE did not give my ally back his HW. even though he said later that he could not fix the problems and that is how it works.


SO why now do you get that HW back when I obviously know more how the game system actually works than the GM?

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i can tell you that there are alot of things about this game that either pete doesnt tell or doesnt know.... and if this is true about the fleet sightings ( i tend to believe it... it explains alot) then pete NEEDS to fix this problem.......................... that is a HUGE issue and would be a major problem in secuity of a home system....


i have a question about this.... if i have my roe set to Z will you still not fight if it happens the way you say?



also i think why pete gave cryvel his world back is because he crys like a little baby when things dont go his way.........

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Im not normally one to argue with the GM's decision but this does seems to have unfairly negated all the time, effort and expense the Flock player has gone to in understanding and maximising the current game system in order to make what sounded like a rather clever attack.


Its not that far fetched either, space is large and ships can't patrol everything, this could easily be explained by a captain studying patrol routes, watching for the gap, slipping, in slipping out, I can't see how these actions are beyond the realms of reality even if they were not intentionally to be implemented into the game.


If this is reversed then the wormhole encounter which the Flock mentions should have been reversed also, if that was left then this should have been left.

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