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Thermal Transfer Center

Emporer Magara

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Is this general colonization bonus thing for High/low temperature resistance also the case for the natural chemical exchanger abillity or does it actually negate the need for domed cities on any world except one with a vacuum atmosphere?



And in general for the special abillities when they say I get a + or a ++ in CB then that is all I get and they dont have any specific game effects?


For instance the 5+ CB for photosyntesis is just as good for negating atmospheric attrition as the 4+ CB you get for the natural chemical exchanger abillity ?

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Actually, no.


The Photosynthesis bonus really only equates against other ingestion methods (Omnivorous, Limited Photosynthesis, etc.) while the Chemical Exchanger Bonus relates to other special features (Long Life, Advanced Resp., etc.).


When it comes to colonial attrition factors - Photosynthesis gets put into the Lifeform category (+/-) as does Natural Chemical Exchanger while Atmosphere has its own category. In a sense, the attrition equation is - the absolute value of the differences between your home world and the potential colony site (the bigger the difference, the worse the attrition) reduced by your racial (High G Tolerance, Chemical Exchanger) and technological bonuses (Domed City, Thermal Transfer Center). :thumbsup: It's obviously more convoluted than that, but them's the basics. ;)

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Two things about installations.


1) We NEED a PreReq listing when we discover the installations. Look how everyone here is trading mails, and even the people who have Thermal Transfer Centers have no idea how they got it. This is NOT right.


2) We need an order by which we can build installations on someone elses pop groups. Lets say I eventually discover a nice installation called Geologic Mass Stabilizer .. and what the installation does is increase your Gravity range. I bet the Prereqs for that would be pretty steep. So it would be a very nice item to trade to others for manufactured goods (like Mk III Fusion Engines). Unfortunately, I can only build such installations on my own worlds. In essence this means everyone has to start researching what I did to get this if they need it,, and, it reduces trading opportunities (more RC's spent towards similar goals among races = less unique and expensive items to trade). Sure you could go through some bizarre sequence of take over someone colony, build the units (using the POP already there in the group so as to not violate the new rule), and let them take it back. But why have to do that?

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I totally agree with your first point....


The trade issue on installations seems a bit trickier to me though.


I see a HUGE difference in trading items as opposed to installations. Its one thing to drop off 10,000 Advanced CM to your neighbor...but another to give em funky blueprints on how to build a high tech , alien installation and expect them to build it the next turn. I suppose the aliens engineers could build it for em akin to Stargate...hmmm....


Yeah - I could see the same argument for items....but installations require more than simple materials.


The balance issue probably comes into play because installations are vastly more beneficial than items to another empire.


I can see the hesitancy in allowing an empire to drop off a Dyson Sphere Generator (BTW P&R -its pretty cool that these exist in the game ;) ) to an empire 10 turns into the game....(I'm thinking sci-fi of course..presuming that advanced races can visit so swiftly upon the newer races - so maybe my little fear is completely unrealstic)


If we are allowed to trade installations, I'd certainly expect us to use those cool installations we find on alien worlds immediately after we find them (with descriptions and pre-reqs!)


I'm content with the fact we can't trade installations and the fact that I have no clue how alien installation work - particularly, those listed in my colony report.


However, I would like to see prerequisites listed and an ANZ given on the same turn that uncover new installations in the tech tree.


[Hijack alert: and RN/NEWF orders consolidated :thumbsup: ]

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Have I understood it correctly


1) a lifeform with Photosyntesis tries to Colonize a planet where all of the attrition comes from the Atmosphere category.


Because Photosyntesis doesn´t affect Atmosphere attrition then the lifeform gets no benefit from having Photosyntesis and the attrition is as high as if the race didn´t have Photosystesis.




2) a lifeform with Natural Chemical Exchanger tries to colonize a world where all the attrition comes from say different terrain.


That lifeform too gets no benefits from NatuCheExchange because that abillity only affects Atmosphere attrition.

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The way I understand the colonization bonuses work is .. everything you take as a racial trait adds or subtracts to your lifeform bonus. You take photosynthesis and the lifeform bonus goes up. You take Natural Chemical Exchanger and the lifeform bonus goes up. You take coward and the lifeform bonus goes down. What this does is your racial trait is in use attempting to make any world more habitable no matter the world.


Then the calculations for your attrition rate on a world become simple (to the computer). Compare the homeworld stats versus the colony world stats, set attrition rates for items outside the hab range bands (bands adjusted for any installations on site or other appropriate techs), add in your lifeform bonus in total and ... there's the rate.


So as Shadowkitsune said ... the racil traits all get added into the lifeform category (+/-). Which means you ALWAYS get that bonus no matter the makeup of the world.

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Well, as to the specific question of a chemical exchanger so far any atmosphere looks to be a good atmosphere if you have them like I do. For example I have 29 planets in system and have 13 ideal colonies as they sit (not counting vacuum worlds) with a variety of atmospheres. The only place that required a domed city was a vacuum planet or asteroid. Even Gas Giants would be viable if not for the heat.


I assumed (perhaps mistakenly) that high temp resistance only provided a benefit if you were looking at a worl with a higher temp than the homeworld. If you weren't then it didn't do anything. For the options that aren't specific like carniverous, they would be in play all of the time.


In any case a CSV will tell you where you are at and what, if anything, you can do about it.



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To answer your first question:

No, if Race A and Race B are alike with reagrds to colonization except that Race A has Photosynthesis and Race B is omnivorous [default], the Attrition on the planet would be less for Race A than Race B. So Photosynthesis will help some.


To answer your second question:

If a Natural Chemical Exchanger race is trying to colonize a Hot Rockball Oxygen world when their homeworld is a Frozen Terrestrial Oxygen world, the race would still get the minor Lifeform bonus, but not get the major Atmosphere bonus that NCE provides.


Every racial attribute that has a (+) in the CB column gives your race a Lifeform bonus to some degree. However some attributes give you bonuses in other Attrition areas.


For example:

Let's compare Superior Constitution (3+), Superior Reproductive Rate (5+), Natural Chemical Exchanger (4+), Full Photosynthesis (5+) and Very High Gravity Tolerance (2+).


Superior Constitution is a (3+) CB feature which represents the general hardiness of your people. It is a general bonus and all (3+) gets added to your Lifeform bonus for purposes of colonial Attrition.


Superior Reproductive Rate is a (5+) CB feature which represents the amount of offspring that your people produce in a given timespan. It is a general bonus and all (5+) gets added to your Lifeform bonus for purposes of colonial Attrition.


Full Photosynthesis is a (5+) CB feature which represents what your people require for sustenance. It is a general bonus and all (5+) gets added to your Lifeform bonus for purposes of colonial Attrition.


Natural Chemical Exchanger is a (4+) CB feature which represents your races tolerance to Atmospheric types. Effectively you'll get a (1+) bonus in Lifeform and a (3+) bonus in Atmosphere for purposes of colonial Attrition.


Very High Gravity Tolerance is a (2+) CB feature which represents your races tolerance to planets with gravities higher than your homeworld. Effectively you'll get a (1+) bonus in Lifeform and a (1+) bonus in Gravity for purposes of colonial Attrition on High Gravity worlds.


Does that help?

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I would have to disagree. The CB from building your race are race CB base points. I do not believe they are specific for actually negatives (atm, terrain, ocean, tilt), but help you overcome/adapt to differences on the colony world(but they have cool descriptions :) ). Therefore each category that you can reduce directly via an installation in more beneficial and the remaining negatives (totaled)are offset by your races positive (hopefully or your a stay at home kind of guy) to give you an overall attrition rate. :blink:



Live Emanon

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Shadow -


YOur assessment is incorrect. All Colonizing +/- equate to lifeform bonus not to specific catagories. Pete did this to avoid people dropping and restarting to get an optimal temperature range.



Temperature - All races are -60/+30. beyond that range it gets exponential. Thermal transfer Center takes it to -90 and Deep Core takes it to +60. If the planet is outside of this range you are hit with attrition (no matter what life form choices you took). You would have a high temperature attrition bar that probably would get offset by an immense lifeform bar.

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Going back to the origin thread of this topic - heat transfer centers. We of the Zeuxis Federation will being building these installations this turn.


Deep Core Heatsink: Deep core Heatsinks (often referred to a "Ducks" by affectionate technicians) absorb heat and distriibute the excess energy throughout a series of wells drilled deep into the planetary crust. Massive refriigerations units cool and prepare the heat for eventual dissipation. The presence of a Duck increases the Temperature Class comfort zone to 50 degrees on worls that are hotter than your homeworld.


Production requirements; 250,000 Improved Construction Material


Consumes: <nothing>


I am not sure what it means to have no prerequisites?

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MadMartin -


I'm sure you are correct as you talk to Pete on the phone far more than I do. I apologize to all the misguided souls that I may have confused with my extrapolations and assumptions. How utterly foolish of me to assume that High Gravity Tolerance would actually directly impact the affects of gravity on my colonists as opposed to adding some arbitrary value to my lifeform bonus.


Does said lifeform bonus only 'kick in' if, given the example above, my colonists happen to be on a world with a higher gravity than my homeworld? Or is it some kind of universal bonus that works regardless of the colony world's environmental parameters?


If I sound angry :) it is because I am. This is getting old. Does anybody happen to have a copy of SN:ROTE for Dummies? Obviously, I need one since I read the Rulebook, such as it is, and seem to draw all of the incorrect assumptions.


I take sentences like "The lifeform is resistant to a wider range of radiation than normal" to mean that the lifeform is resistant to a wider range of radiation than normal not the lifeform gets a generic colonization bonus regardless of background radiation present. Colony world is twice the gravity of your homeworld? No problem, you have the Radiation Resistant racial feature?!


Why would Pete care if people were dropping and restarting to get some mythical optimal temperature range? :D It's $10 a set-up. I could understand if set-ups were free because he'd be spending a lot of time with non-paying customers to the detrement of paying customers. It's not like people aren't already dropping and restarting because the SRP Bonus point advantage deal. :blink:


ARGH! ;)

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Actually, people aren't dropping and restarting. There is little point in doing so, especially since you'd lose research and production each time.


If you want favorable colonization, pick up lifeform bonuses that affect colonization, and you'll do fine. I've set several test empires myself, a couple with a few areas covered and one with every colonization bonus I could buy. That one might have been overkill, but it can colonize all over the place :thumbsup:

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