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G'day Russ and players


Has anyone else noticed that the Forum has been dominated by a handfull of players

who simply rant and rave and contribute nothing of value or interest?


I am finding that the Forum is becoming largely irrelevant, boring and uninformative.


Perhaps players who wish to threaten/browbeat/denigrate other players could

use the Personal Message facility to send their message to their target player

and leave the Forum open to the serious business of informed debate.


Does anyone else have an opinion on this subject?



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Has anyone else noticed that the Forum has been dominated by a handfull of players

who simply rant and rave and contribute nothing of value or interest?


I am finding that the Forum is becoming largely irrelevant, boring and uninformative.


I disagree. The forum is indeed dominated by a few players, whose posts are usually irrelevant. But that's not surprising: after all this is a forum about a game, and people play and poke each other. I find the forum amusing, and adding to the spirit of gameplay. However, as it has never contained information that I didn't find elsewhere, there is no need to keep reading the forum if you don't want to. Alternatively, by all means, if you like to keep using the forum but dislike the current messages, do post a relevant interesting post!

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Guest Spongebob

Im one of the irrelevent players :rolleyes: I use the forum to do everything and anything I can to the enemy and it fills the time between turns. Until the freedom of speach is quashed then I'm going to be as irrelevent as possible, as always Des you take thinks far too seriously in game and now out.

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I have to agree with MacFreak.

The forum is open to all who wish to contribute.

While I don't offer much in way of discussions points, I do read regularly to gather tidbits.

I've also taken advantage of the forum to contact other players via the PM option. This is the only way to reach some players.


I would think that the "serious discussions" all take place via private emails. Don't want the enemy privy to plans now do we?



Player of many nations.



G'day Russ and players


Has anyone else noticed that the Forum has been dominated by a handfull of players

who simply rant and rave and contribute nothing of value or interest?


I am finding that the Forum is becoming largely irrelevant, boring and uninformative.


Perhaps players who wish to threaten/browbeat/denigrate other players could

use the Personal Message facility to send their message to their target player

and leave the Forum open to the serious business of informed debate.


Does anyone else have an opinion on this subject?



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I do have an opinion, and i don't care too much about the often somewhat childish tone of the discussion. After all, Noone is required to participate and we are all free to ignore everyone else.


But there is a certain lack of serious discussion, true.



Lets start discussing one of the following:


1- Ten ways to improve Victory without major changes to the system.


2- Ten reasons unlikely countries like Syria and Baltic states have a x3 survival rate compared to France.


3- Is it possible to make a fifth tech using French units, being strong at first but weakening further on. (something like a reverse American tech). If so, what about the Normandie AP, Somua Armored div and ATA of the Dewoitine fighters? Anyone interested in designing a Japanese Tech? Italian? Swedish?


4- What would a game be like were every player would play a set of 2 countries which are TA'ed with intel sharing on, and no other TA's are possible so no-one has an intel or permanent diplomatic advantage? If so, which paires of countries would be advisable?


5- Anyone interested in playing a game with the historical dimplomatic setup of September 1939?

Axis: Spain, Germany, Austria, Chechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italia, Libya,

Allied: Great Brittain, USA, Canada, France, Marocco, Transjordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria.

Soviet: Central, souther and Northern Russia, Baltic states.

Un-played Neutrals: the rest!


6- Post the "world events" from each game in a posting on each specific game-related topic. Players that are not part of that game can keep up with those world events. It makes reading the forum far more interesting.


I could go on-and on.miniheen.gif

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6- Post the "world events" from each game in a posting on each specific game-related topic. Players that are not part of that game can keep up with those world events. It makes reading the forum far more interesting.


Excellent suggestion! I would love it, and would not care if it would have a 15 day delay or so. It's just interesting to see where a game goes...


I could go on-and on.


Please, do! :rolleyes:

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Most post are silly nowdays...but we cant complain as the rest of us just do not post much. Perhaps we semi-silent should post a bit more....even a couple times a month would change the tone and tempo.....




This is the point I was trying to make:


The first time that the Sponge threatened the Monk, I was amused, even entertained.


By the 40th time, my eyes glazed over.


That's all I have to say.



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I do have an opinion, and i don't care too much about the often somewhat childish tone of the discussion. After all, Noone is required to participate and we are all free to ignore everyone else.


But there is a certain lack of serious discussion, true.



Lets start discussing one of the following:


1- Ten ways to improve Victory without major changes to the system.


2- Ten reasons unlikely countries like Syria and Baltic states have a x3 survival rate compared to France.


3- Is it possible to make a fifth tech using French units, being strong at first but weakening further on. (something like a reverse American tech). If so, what about the Normandie AP, Somua Armored div and ATA of the Dewoitine fighters? Anyone interested in designing a Japanese Tech? Italian? Swedish?


4- What would a game be like were every player would play a set of 2 countries which are TA'ed with intel sharing on, and no other TA's are possible so no-one has an intel or permanent diplomatic advantage? If so, which paires of countries would be advisable?


5- Anyone interested in playing a game with the historical dimplomatic setup of September 1939?

Axis: Spain, Germany, Austria, Chechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italia, Libya,

Allied: Great Brittain, USA, Canada, France, Marocco, Transjordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria.

Soviet: Central, souther and Northern Russia, Baltic states.

Un-played Neutrals: the rest!


6- Post the "world events" from each game in a posting on each specific game-related topic. Players that are not part of that game can keep up with those world events. It makes reading the forum far more interesting.


I could go on-and on.


Those are some great topics Dave!


It's unfortunate that so much space is taken up by mindless dribble.


I tend to read mostly and post little, especially when the war isn't going so well.


The 3 games I'm in now, none are going that well. 2 I should actually drop, but I stay for my TAs.

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Most post are silly nowdays...but we cant complain as the rest of us just do not post much. Perhaps we semi-silent should post a bit more....even a couple times a month would change the tone and tempo.....




This is the point I was trying to make:


The first time that the Sponge threatened the Monk, I was amused, even entertained.


By the 40th time, my eyes glazed over.


That's all I have to say.




Sometimes even the nonsense gives you information. Especially the Sponge sometimes published information he should keep to himself.


This is a propaganda forum, it is normal for such a forum to contain a lot of rubbish.


I think opening a new forum for world news makes sense. This will give the people the opportunity to get the information they like to get, with or without rubbish.



The Monk

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This is a propaganda forum, it is normal for such a forum to contain a lot of rubbish.


The Monk


Agree. One can expect a lot of senseless blabbering and flaming in a topic called "propaganda".

The forum is missing some serious discussion. IMHO The place to do this would me "strategy and tactics". But you can fire a cannon in there without anyone noticing.


The challenge would be how to limit the conversation to the topic at hand and limit the bullshit to the propaganda forum.


I will start a new topic called "Game 87 Factual" with the world events on a 15 day delay (if I am allowed to). If everyone limits himself to only posting factual information that can easily be verified, like

Alliances and ownership of cities and provinces, that alone would give life to the discussion on the rest of the forum.

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G'day Russ and players

Has anyone else noticed that the Forum has been dominated by a handfull of players

who simply rant and rave and contribute nothing of value or interest?

I am finding that the Forum is becoming largely irrelevant, boring and uninformative.

Perhaps players who wish to threaten/browbeat/denigrate other players could

use the Personal Message facility to send their message to their target player

and leave the Forum open to the serious business of informed debate.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this subject?



yep I have :rolleyes:


if we spammers would stop.. then the forum would die...

if the forum dies.. new players who look at the forum thinks the game is dead..

which eventually will lead to that outcome...


so post more... get to know all those posters and man have some fun....


debates.. a bout what ? rules..? if a question is there I mail Russ...

a new and improved Victory.. well that is a discussion which is as old as Vic or Russ himself :woohoo:


strategies and how to do your first setup... or which tech.. ? well that depends on your country and neughbours...


politics.. nah that is done by a PM...


the forum is there to enhance the playing of Victory to make it even more fun.. to get to know the one you are battleing against instead of playing in utter silence...


live the life ...

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Guest Spongebob
G'day Russ and players

Has anyone else noticed that the Forum has been dominated by a handfull of players

who simply rant and rave and contribute nothing of value or interest?

I am finding that the Forum is becoming largely irrelevant, boring and uninformative.

Perhaps players who wish to threaten/browbeat/denigrate other players could

use the Personal Message facility to send their message to their target player

and leave the Forum open to the serious business of informed debate.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this subject?



yep I have :rolleyes:


if we spammers would stop.. then the forum would die...

if the forum dies.. new players who look at the forum thinks the game is dead..

which eventually will lead to that outcome...


so post more... get to know all those posters and man have some fun....


debates.. a bout what ? rules..? if a question is there I mail Russ...

a new and improved Victory.. well that is a discussion which is as old as Vic or Russ himself :woohoo:


strategies and how to do your first setup... or which tech.. ? well that depends on your country and neughbours...


politics.. nah that is done by a PM...


the forum is there to enhance the playing of Victory to make it even more fun.. to get to know the one you are battleing against instead of playing in utter silence...


live the life ...


Bravo - You got my Vote

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