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Game 81


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Only 4 turns left and looks like I (Bulgaria) will Survive another Victory Game!!


Unless the alliance (Germany, France, Central Russia, Italy and Lowlands) thinks they can finish me off, in the next few turns? We'll have to see if they can convince the French Bombers to chance flying into my LAA. :ranting:


Fight on to Victory!!


PanzerGeneral of Bulgaria

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The United States should survive also.


So will Great Britain, as we fight off American aggression...and Canadian...and French...and German...and Iraqi...and Portuguese...and Central Russian...

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  • 1 month later...
Great game everyone!!! With 144,044 Ground Casualties, I'll be 2nd all time best army kills!! :ranting:


-Bulgaria defiant till the end


I have played in several Victory games, but this is the first that I have survived till the end. I started off as part of the Confederacy, TA'd with Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Ireland and Iceland both invaded me, and I fought them both off. Then all my TA's dropped--among them Spongebob. Then I TA'd with Ireland, and that position was picked up by another player. Towards the end, I withstood naval and air attacks from Portugal, Canada and the United States. I ended up with over 45,000 naval kills--nowhere near the top, but respectable. My air kills was something like 18,000. I never had the opportunity to expand my territory; I did an air assault on xFaeroe, and Canada took it with an amphibious assault on the last turn. Beyond that, all I held was xArcangel in Northern Russia, way back from when my original TA's invaded there. Let's hope I have as much or better success as YUGOS87 and RUMAN88. :thumbsup:

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Tunisia survived if you can call it that. * 8 games started 8 games survived!!!! Did get 70000 air kills and 60000 ground but controlled almost nothing.


Congregulations to those who hung in there and to the winners! I don't think I can remember a game with so many players finishing!


Don :thumbsup:

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Thanks to all those who played. Looks like CR will survive as well. :ranting: Took me a long time to get those tanks/mechs out of Finland, I am finally ready for a counter push against Iraq! What?? what do you mean its over??!?!?!??



It was fun, but I will NOT miss doing massive MCR/BRC orders every turn just to keep AIC nets producing. Every turn, I had to choose something not to do because of lack of orders.

Anyway, kudos to all, especially my allies and Iraq for making it interesting.




PS Bulgaria, you should thank Iraq for you still being around. :ranting:

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Hello friends,


From my side the same comments - thanks for playing, thanks for keep on fighting ... never experienced a game like 88 with so many player hang on their country ... no matter how battered it was.


I was almost out of the game, as i lost my TAs pretty early in the game - and i was almost conquered, too.

Thanks for Des Feeney and his mates for giving me the chance to stay and keep on fighting - Italy is mostly mine again :-)

(except a little city in Sardinia and that damned Ariano, i simply oversaw that its not mine again :cannon:



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Hello friends,


From my side the same comments - thanks for playing, thanks for keep on fighting ... never experienced a game like 88 with so many player hang on their country ... no matter how battered it was.


I was almost out of the game, as i lost my TAs pretty early in the game - and i was almost conquered, too.

Thanks for Des Feeney and his mates for giving me the chance to stay and keep on fighting - Italy is mostly mine again :-)

(except a little city in Sardinia and that damned Ariano, i simply oversaw that its not mine again :cannon:




Dear Schmutti,


I think you did make a small mistake here, you refer to VIC88 but this is a commentregarding VIC81...but maybe I am wrong. Any way, I also participate in this game, a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago, as Greece. I can't remember what happened, last turn from me was june 2008, that is more than 2 years ago. Well congrats to all survivors but who are the winners?


Greetings Rednas

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