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That is brilliant!!

Congratulations Russ and best wishes from all your friends

from Down Under.



Q. Where does a 600lb gorilla and his bride live?



A. (1) Anywhere they like?

A. (2) In a Skull Cave in the Deep Woods with a horse named Hero and

a wolf named Devil?

A. (3) On the top floor of the Empire State Building?




Des Feeney

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Congratulations Russ!


I'd hate to see the better half of a 600lb gorilla!




LOL :P Thanks guys! Actually my fiance is one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met and whenever I stop and think about it I'm amazed that she actually agreed to marry me :laugh:


Thanks again for all the well wishes - greatly appreciated!



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Guest Spongebob

I already sent my personal congratulations but I have to ask, will Mrs Victory be getting married in White, we cannot have her not colour co-ordinated with the other kitchen appliances.


(DUCK) Watch out for low flying plates ;)

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Gratz, Russ. The institution of marriage is one of God's greatest creations. But I'm divorced, so how the hell should I know?

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