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Lord Deependra

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  • 2 months later...

I was wondering Lord Deependra with the experience you are having with many DMX and other players how many jumps away are you predicting they are from your home world. I only heard rumors in Andromeda that they would be about 5 jumps. What do you think?

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The closest I have run into Death Machines is 2 jumps out from my HW, but that was through a high one-way warp I have only just cracked. I have encountered others at 3 jumps. I have encountered other players' fleets at about 6 jumps. With encountering other players, a lot depends on how much effort they are putting into exploration. So I am thinking HWs are set further apart than they were at the start of Andromeda.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The closest I have run into Death Machines is 2 jumps out from my HW, but that was through a high one-way warp I have only just cracked. I have encountered others at 3 jumps. I have encountered other players' fleets at about 6 jumps. With encountering other players, a lot depends on how much effort they are putting into exploration. So I am thinking HWs are set further apart than they were at the start of Andromeda.

One of my empires ran into DM in a system next to the home system. It looked as though they had arrived only one or two turns before the encounter but the Pathfinder did not last long enough to investigate! I now have a warship guarding the WP in the home system and fingers, toes and claws firmly crossed while developing more effective weaponry. Don't know whether technology development is faster than the DM but I'm hoping.

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One of my empires ran into DM in a system next to the home system

Was the DMX force the usual gaggle of three Light Cruisers and one minelayer? What DMX force number have you found???


It was a minelayer on its own which destroyed the Pathfinder. The system scan report I got just before the battle indicated two small DM fleets one of which was just the minelayer. At the time I was shocked that the DMs were there and did not make as detailed a record as I should have. Apologies, I did not record the DMX force number.

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