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Naval Encounter Order

The Fremen

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I think we should only have three

Non aggressive


Agressive towards everyone but our allies


That is why ships in my sphere of space are now at zulu. I will soon be on every planet in my sphere. You obviously have no reason to be there.


Allies are in the game are important. Later, when I find a friendly neighbor this will change my settings. Right now I am at war so my options are limited.

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Without a way to not attack allies it gets to be pretty pointless to have them. About the only consistent factor in the game and that has kept many of us in Andomeda these many years is our allies and working together. That is the glue that has held and continues to hold groups together.


Without that capability in Draco the region will fail. Period.


Lots of stuff has been changed for Draco and things may continue to change. This is one issue that needs to change. Friendly fire has to be eliminated in a way that does not let complete strangers stroll on by.


Telling my allies to stay out of my space just so I can be sure to engage an unknown fleet is just silly.

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Declare enemies, use Romeo, problem solved. Unknown enemies moving about freely in your controlled area of space is unlikely to say the least. All you have to do is see another empire one time ever, or have your allied neighbors spot him one time ever so you know he's even remotely close to you, declare him to be an enemy, and Romeo works exactly as you want it to.


This isn't Andromeda where some unknown alien empire can move at speed 500 from anywhere to anywhere and suddenly appear out of nowhere.


edit: perhaps I'm missing something on this? On the surface, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

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We recently had our very first encounter with another player that was not an ally but he could have well been. Luckily no real harm was done but that was just pure luck. It would have been super hideous had it been an ally who just wondered into unknown systems and took out a bunch of colonists just trying to start new lives on a nearby world

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I don't get why its such a big deal not to have what is clearly needed and wanted. Based on Andromeda code it is clearly possible.


My explorers are set to engage and there is no way for my captains to not open up on friendlies. Even letting one unknown fleet go by is not acceptable if I have to then divert lots of resourses to find it again.


With TWD's hitting the streets and fleets starting to be 3 or 4 ap it is no mean feat for a 1 ap war ship to chase them down. Even the dimmest captain should able to mske the binary decision of don't shoot at this list but shoot at anything else.


Then there are the poor sods who might miss a turn or two to declare war and the enemy or unknown neighbor with unknown intentions just keeps sailing on by.


The only current way to protect yourself is to go zulu. So much for allied positions, joint operations etc., etc..


In my opinon, this is a big deal if you want to have allies. If you don't, then zulu works.

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My current enemy made it to the warp point of my home system. Why? Because I am in Draco. I could not buy the higher level survey sensor with points. I finally decided to spend an entire turns production to make enough survey sensors, had a revolution for more explorers and finally after waiting for the leaders was able to break it. Oh what did I find? A prisoner's fleet. He is still advancing with more ships. The chance of a fleet being at your home system because of the AP 1 or AP 2 is very real. Zulu is very important for you home system and those surrounding systems. My colony systems are being fought over now.


I have been fortunate until this turn to think both of the DMX fleets are behind one way warp points and I was safe. Nope, when I went after the prisoner I found the same system interlinked with him with 7 DMX warships that were moving.

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Since the Encounter Orders do not take Total Alliance into account, the Total Alliance setting is meaningless for space combat. Similarly, "GATK will engage every

pop group on the target planet, including Total Allies (this applies to Andromeda as well)". So I have two questions:-


1) Is there now any game effect of declaring someone a Total Ally?

2) Was this done to change the dynamic of player interactions, or to simplify choosing sides in battles with multiple empires?

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Probably a malicious thought by Pete to clear data ( units of any kind ) from the data base . I believe the thing to where the GATK will engage everybody , including allies , is exceptionally stupid . I have just barely south of 1 million Kur divisions on one of my main planets in Andromeda , and if anybody were to break through the hundreds of billions of tons of mobile warships and the surface installations , then somebody lands troops on the place , then the Kur divisions kill whoever would land , and then I have to put the troops someplace else , and then land Ori divisions to retake the place . Think of the amount of orders that would take . A complete win / win for RTG . It would cost me several hundred dollars in real money to get things back to the way they were ( and then remember I have to input all the build orders again ) .


I could transfer the divisions to the Ori position , but the Kur are the ultimate ground pounders thanks to species engineering . I guess having the Kur defend an Ori planet is worth the thought of the attacker's face when they get their turn , and then see what they landed on .


But yeah , I wonder what Pete's rationale is to have total allies attack each other in a ground combat situation .

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I think the issue with GATK attacking everyone is that in Andromeda Pete would have to manually check each pop group on a particular planet involved in a GATK and then cross check each for alliances to the other POP groups and then there was the transferring of pop groups etc etc. Very large GATK's could take hours to figure out greatly slowing turn processing for just one battle. Imagine several dozen or so? In Draco there is a way around not being able to fight as an alliance which makes things simple all around.

Just have an uber ground pounder race set up a colony beacon on the target planet and then just OC your brain in a jar weakling Troops to his and presto they get transformed into menacing fully equipped Fremen Death Warriors :). Since they are your allies the Fremen Death Warriors take their cut of spice and vacate the planet making a future GATK a push over for the position it's agreed to before hand.

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