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Neutral Population Growth


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Hmm...I've noticed that one of several neutrals I discovered is actually growing in population. I'm assuming if the population is large enough then growth will occur, otherwise, zilch. :ranting:


I do not control any of these neutrals either, so conquest is not a determining factor, I think. :blink:

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I'm wooing a rather large advanced neutral which indeed seems to be growing well and since it hasn't been conquered...we Gremloids believe in friendly diplomatic gestures above alien homeworlds in our Emperors Gift class Battlecruisers...we'll see if it continues to grow after they've joined us!


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So I wonder


Do poulation sizes only grow after the neutral is discovered? Or are the undiscovered neutral colonies growing behind the scenes?




Wouldn't it be creepy if after you take over a neutral that:


1) The neutral's population rises; while

2) Your population declines.... :ranting:

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Currently I have two neutrals who have decided to join my empire. The first colony was overjoyed to join our forces, the second colony only joined after some intense "negotiations" with a few divisions of "diplomats".


Would you believe that the second neutral has gained 1 pop per turn while the first neutral who only needed a few gifts have not increased since joining. Both colonies were roughly of the same size, 10 pop.

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I have not yet taken in (pun intended) a neutral, but I have a couple of questions for when I do so:


1. Can you add your own colonists to a neutral pop group?


2. If so, does the SNROTE software distinguish between the different races, eg by listing the pops of the two races separately?

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I have not yet taken in (pun intended) a neutral, but I have a couple of questions for when I do so:


1. Can you add your own colonists to a neutral pop group?


2. If so, does the SNROTE software distinguish between the different races, eg by listing the pops of the two races separately?

You cannot add your own population to that of a pop group that wasn't yours to begin with. There are trade implications as well as an exploit: the neutral doesn't suffer attrition on its homeworld (offloading your population there could be used as a way to avoid attrition entirely on an otherwise hostile planet).

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You cannot add your own population to that of a pop group that wasn't yours to begin with. There are trade implications as well as an exploit: the neutral doesn't suffer attrition on its homeworld (offloading your population there could be used as a way to avoid attrition entirely on an otherwise hostile planet).

So then what is the point of bringing an NPC into the fold, either diplomatically or otherwise? If its just a size three pop group that can never be increased?


I could imagine a scenario where you do bring colonists to a new world, and they mix with the natives, learning to adapt much as they do, similar to the Pilgrims and the Native American indians.


Admittedly, they were on the same world, but you get the idea.


I just don't see any point now to the investment in diplomacy when what you can get that route is worthless. (Ok, some of them have some goodies in possessions, but not that much)

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You cannot add your own population to that of a pop group that wasn't yours to begin with.  There are trade implications as well as an exploit: the neutral doesn't suffer attrition on its homeworld (offloading your population there could be used as a way to avoid attrition entirely on an otherwise hostile planet).

So then what is the point of bringing an NPC into the fold, either diplomatically or otherwise? If its just a size three pop group that can never be increased?


I could imagine a scenario where you do bring colonists to a new world, and they mix with the natives, learning to adapt much as they do, similar to the Pilgrims and the Native American indians.


Admittedly, they were on the same world, but you get the idea.


I just don't see any point now to the investment in diplomacy when what you can get that route is worthless. (Ok, some of them have some goodies in possessions, but not that much)

But in this case the Pilgrims are aliens who cannot breathe oxygen and whose eyestalks burn like fire when touched by too much water. The Native Americans find Earth quite pleasant, but the alien Pilgrims don't like it one bit. Just moving in to live in the Native Americans' villages would not change the attrition issue. If they want to move in next to the Native Americans, they can always make their own population group and live side-by-side. They get what they want--to live there--but with the correct attrition bases. So...it's not about learning to adapt: the incoming colonists would suffer zero attrition instantly, which is very exploitable.


Taking a neutral on an otherwise hostile planet is extremely useful - it's not about industrial growth, but gaining a forward base with no attrition or initial investment problems. If this isn't worth the effort, then I would agree that you should not work toward gaining any particular neutral.

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Thanks, Pete,


But your answers have prompted another question from me: Can I use the "taken in" neutrals to colonise another world or moon, or are they permanently glued to their home world?

You could carry them off, but unfortunately their base lifeform type isn't recorded when converted into Colonists and dropped into one of your pop groups - they'd be considered "your" population at that point, and would essentially become your Empire's pop for all purposes at that point, including attrition calculations.

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Why do some assimilated Neutrals grow and others don't? I have several Neutrals that I have talked into my Empire about 15 turns ago and neither of them have grown at all. What governs how or if a Neutral pop grows?


Sakarissa :D

Same thing that governs your own colonial pop growth - primarily attrition and inherent lifeform reproduction rate.

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