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Yep it happened,

Both my empires received new techs and it was time to pick a new one. Alas, there was no researchable items sheet. I know who would ever have expected to get new tech after we received Santa points. I actually want this and it is not a request it is actually a demand. Which people in the game wanted the researchable items removed? It still seems those people control what happens on our turn sheets. I want to know who they are and I want to know now because they are affecting my game play. I also do not want the long explanation defending them. 


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I agree that we need researchable tech every turn.  It's two pages at most, and can be down to one.  I have used old turns data and mistakes get made.

Not much savings in paper for the potential problems it can cause. IMHO

Having said that, I do recall the occasional turn without something that was due to a technical glitch.  I hope this was one of those and not the other thing.




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Just a mistake on my part (human error).  There's a utility that needs to be run to update that table for the results, and I forgot to run it.  For email guys, I suspect that your databases have the researchable tech in the dropdown menus (for SRP orders), as the mdb files are created separately.

Of course, only the newly researchable items added this turn would be different from last turn, so in most cases you didn't miss much on that (blank) page.  Still, it's a nice page to have--it will show up again as usual next time.



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4 hours ago, richardjohns said:

Yep it happened,

Both my empires received new techs and it was time to pick a new one. Alas, there was no researchable items sheet. I know who would ever have expected to get new tech after we received Santa points. I actually want this and it is not a request it is actually a demand. Which people in the game wanted the researchable items removed? It still seems those people control what happens on our turn sheets. I want to know who they are and I want to know now because they are affecting my game play. I also do not want the long explanation defending them. 


Only person negatively affecting your gameplay is you. Maybe instead of rants and accusations, send an email to Pete informing him of what anomaly occured on your turn.

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Yes I think the proposed changes to not having various parts of a turn displayed doesn’t effect email turns in the slightest as RTG doesn’t need to print those turns. Only those that get actual mailed reports would benefit on both the sending and receiving ends. The problem I see is wether it can be done both ways to accommodate emailed and snail mailed turns. 

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