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Universal Gates


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I need help understand the rate on the losses  i did one from one home world to a different home world loss at 100% then i did one what went to the halfway point only had 9% loss the first home to the same halfway point with only 7% loss  why did the first one fail

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loss rate is determined by the actual position in a 3d generated universe of the game. Only the game knows the exact position coordinates of each system. You cant go by how many jumps away a world is to determine its actual distance from the starting point. A system that is 3 jumps from your homeworld could be 5 light years from you, or 50, or 5000.

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14 hours ago, Nym-2185 said:

I need help understand the rate on the losses  i did one from one home world to a different home world loss at 100% then i did one what went to the halfway point only had 9% loss the first home to the same halfway point with only 7% loss  why did the first one fail

You level of UG tech is also a Big factor. 

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Despite what I have read about about number of jumps between worlds not closely reflecting absolute true distance between those worlds, my experience indicates a close correlation. There *are* special case where a jump will take you a very long distance but it a very rare occurrence and I suspect it only happens if Pete needs  to warp the space time continuum.

I build maps using jump points between systems and I also have maps that reflect  percentage loss between universal gates. At max Universal Gate (UG) tech the largest loss is 10%. Anything above that number is not possible and becomes a 100% loss. Percentage loss is proportional to distance; 1% is very close, 10% is much further in distance between the Universal Gates. 100% loss means that it is not possible to have working gates that far from each other transfer any goods.

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