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Division types

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Is there any reason besides cost to choose Imperial Guards style divisions over Imperial Army ones? I realize that the Guards divisions probably have higher ratings in areas, but I mean do Guards divisions have ratings in different areas than Army units? Is an Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry unit going to have ratings in areas different than an Imperial Army Heavy Infantry unit?

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Every division type splits its total strength over a variety of tactical categories, with each one having a different spread.  In some cases two similar units cover the same tactical categories but give varying weight to each.  For example, "Heavy Infantry" divisions tend to have more weight in the Heavy Weapons tactical category at the expense of a lower rating in something else.  In other cases a similar unit might have a rating in an entirely new category, again at the expense of losing some strength in something else (Imperial Marines Infantry as an example has some strength in the Amphibious category, while Imperial Army Infantry does not, but the Army version is stronger in some other category).

An Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry division is not "stronger" overall than an Imperial Army Heavy Infantry division -- they both count as "one" division in a ground combat.  The difference between one division and another is strictly which tactical categories they cover, and how much weight they place into each (the Fortress division is an unusual case in that it counts as "ten" divisions, but costs more to build).

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Each division, with the exception of the Fortress division, provides 10 "multiples" spread across 1 or more ground combat strengths. There are 35 ground combat strengths to include Close Combat, Air Defense, and Biological Weapons. Let's take a Combat Engineer division as an example. It's 10 "multiples" are x1 Close Combat, x7 Engineering, and x1 Special Weapons, and x1 Subterranean. The game will total up all the "multiples" your divisions in an army provide. Those multiples are multiplied by the total strength you have in that category. Let's assume you have a single army of 1 Combat Engineer. You have 1 multiple for Close Combat. Let's say you haven't researched a whole lot of Ground Combat techs that provide strengths to the Close Combat category so your base strength for Close Combat is 500. This means your army of 1 Combat Engineer has a total rating of 500 in Ground Combat (1 x 1 x 500 = 500). Now, you focused on a few techs that provided strength to the Special Weapons category so your base strength is 4,000 and your army's total Special Weapons strength is 28,000 (1 x 7 x 4000 = 28,000). But if you had 10 Combat Engineers in that army you would have an army strength of 5,000 Close Combat (10 x 1 x 500) and Special Weapons strength 280,000 (10 x 7 x 4,000). The Fortress division differs slight since it has 100 multiplies instead of 10. Now, each division has different sets of multiples. Only way to find them all is to research enough techs to have  a base strength greater than 0 (zero). You then DIV a division from a pop group to an army and then do a TAC. That will show you the multipes that division provides (assuming you have greater than zero strength in each of that divisions multiples). Alternatively, do an RA from one army to another army to transfer a single division and then do a TAC. I spent a lot of orders figuring things out on this. There are over to 323 ground combat techs that I know of and I haven't uncovered all of them.

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I was mainly wondering if the same basic division types covered the same ground combat strength categories. For example would an Imperial Army Heavy Infantry division and an Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry division have ratings in the exact same ground combat strength categories since they are both heavy infantry divisions? Or could the Army heavy infantry division have categories A, B, C, D, E and the Guards heavy infantry division have A, B, D, E, and F?

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Imperial Army Heavy Infantry = x4 Close Combat, x3 Heavy Weapons, x3 Small Arms

Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry = x3 Close Combat, x5 Heavy Weapons, x2 Small Arms

Imperial Marines Heavy Infantry = x3 Close Combat, x5 Heavy Weapons, x2 Small Arms

Here are the strengths and multiples for the three different Heavy Infantry types to help illustrate Hobknobs earlier post.

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Be aware that when examining a division type, if you don't have at least one tech advance that provides a greater-than-zero multiplier for a particular tactical category, you might not get an accurate reading of where a division places its divisional strength.  An Imperial Marines Infantry division, for example, divides its strength over more than 3 categories.

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