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So far I've been graced with a system having 9 warp points, a system with 6 warp points, and 2 systems having 5 each. I cry with joy upon finding a system with 2 warp points and will probably stroke out at finding a dead end. 

If I had to actually redraw the map by hand on paper, such as it was way back when, I'd be doing socially unacceptable things!



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On ‎2‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 1:45 AM, Sandarbian said:

So far I've been graced with a system having 9 warp points, a system with 6 warp points, and 2 systems having 5 each. I cry with joy upon finding a system with 2 warp points and will probably stroke out at finding a dead end. 

If I had to actually redraw the map by hand on paper, such as it was way back when, I'd be doing socially unacceptable things!



I draw my map in a spreadsheet., with circles representing each system and lines linking them for the warp points. Then all I need to do is drag systems around when the map needs to be re-arranged. Also, I write my fleets onto the map so I can quickly search for them.

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On 2/16/2019 at 8:17 PM, Lord Deependra said:

I draw my map in a spreadsheet., with circles representing each system and lines linking them for the warp points. Then all I need to do is drag systems around when the map needs to be re-arranged. Also, I write my fleets onto the map so I can quickly search for them.

Use Smartdraw. Not free, sad face here. But works. And yea, fleets are shown on map. 

Remember the Starweb days of redrawing the map over and over again by hand as connections were discovered. 

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Until the map gets too big I use Excel with shapes and connectors.  I also use a map that uses Graphviz, NEATO and SVG viewer.  This is out of the findpath program.  The main advantage to this is that I can create a map in just a few minutes, I can incorporate a number of mdb's  of different positions and it has never been wrong.  The downside is that it is different every time and I can't make any annotations on it.


Connecting one system at a time when you discover it is not old.  it happens every turn.



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  • 7 months later...
On 2/15/2019 at 9:45 AM, Sandarbian said:

So far I've been graced with a system having 9 warp points, a system with 6 warp points, and 2 systems having 5 each. I cry with joy upon finding a system with 2 warp points and will probably stroke out at finding a dead end. 

If I had to actually redraw the map by hand on paper, such as it was way back when, I'd be doing socially unacceptable things!



Ok, I didn't stroke out but I did find 4 dead ends off of the same 9 WP system with three of them being a Warp Nexus.

Of course, there could be closed warp points in some of those "dead ends"...as the Mighty Jingles would say, nothing like a little surprise...hmmm...that might be a tad risque for here...

Still got three directions to survey and explore. There be a lot of strange Out There.



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Don't have 10, but use lucidchart, works on web browser or ipad, and makes it easy to edit when i get new information....

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On 2/15/2019 at 11:57 AM, M'Mar said:

I have got one 10 and two 9s. But an average of 4 appears to be the norm. Dead ends? what are those?


Dead ends are those systems that have only 1 warp point leading back to the one you entered through. That’s very common occurrence when you find a large warp nexus line the one you found 

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