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I am beginning a long term colonization plan and trying to determine the priorities I should give to various resource avail to me.

Given the tech that I have yet no exposure too, what are the emphasis I should place on mining various resources?   What is the priority list?

I know the list starts:



light metals




and ends with

mineral fertilizers


Can someone complete this list with their knowledge of future techs?





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7 hours ago, Landmine said:

I am beginning a long term colonization plan and trying to determine the priorities I should give to various resource avail to me.

Given the tech that I have yet no exposure too, what are the emphasis I should place on mining various resources?   What is the priority list?

I know the list starts:



light metals




and ends with

mineral fertilizers


Can someone complete this list with their knowledge of future techs?





You  left off  one rather important one if your going to have a long term colony project. LUMBER

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I will make it simple.  If you are mining you need everything, except; coal, mineral fertilizer, 


Everything else falls under the "it depends" catagory.


If you are converting from raw then only the essentials and you should mine more.  If you just want a cleanup build, then it is either lumber or iron, unless you are missing something critical.

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Iron for steel/improved steel/advanced steel. The ingredients for electronics/Imp Elect/Adv Elect (crystals, gaseous elements, industrial chemicals, and petrochem). Those fuel most of the advanced techs. There are a others but as Hobknob stated "it depends". One of the rarest resources is Grains. It all depends on what you want to build. If your weapon of choice needs Caldaran Crystals then you want colonies that can produce them.

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I have 5 Deep Cores running on my HW right now. The hits and additions to my resource yields seem to be in-line with their Andro counterparts. Unfortunately, I don't have hydro or geotherm yields to be affected by the Deep Cores. This means I have to build a lot of power stations to keep them up and running. You need 7 Fusion Power Plants for 1 Deep Core. In Andro, I have as many as 2000 Deep Cores running on an orbit. I've heard of players with a large cargo fleet that can drop and power a lot more than 2000 Deep Cores to get an orbit up to speed more quickly. I've also used ICE. My guess is that it uses the same process as Deep Cores but you can make a whole lot of it quickly to speed up the process.

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I got the impression when I was tracking the yields on each turn that the range of the bump depended on the yield itself. The smaller the yield the smaller the bump. As the yield increased th bump increased. Kinda hard to tell when I'm running 2000 deep cores on a single world.

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Well, long ago the results would say that a DCS tried and succeeded or failed to raise X .  If you got a single Iron bump and did a GEO every turn then you could see the exact results.  With the condensing of the report you know much less.  Back when we got more data I had individual increases of up to 20 or so, IIRC.    


In Draco you can run 20 DCS's on a planet and only get an increase of 20, for all of them.  If you look at the GEO's this includes many increases of 1 or 2.  

I am not saying you can't get higher results.  However I have been tracking DCS output for over a year and what I see is an average of 2pts/DCS if you are running multiples up to 20.

Your results may differ.





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Two turns ago with 5 DCS running, I got bumps of +2/+2/+2/+11. I'm guessing that the +11 was either 1 hit with really good RNG or it was a combination of two hits.

One turn ago with 5 DCS running, I got bumps of +2/+2/+3/+5/+1 which averages to 2.6 per bump since I got 100% hits that turn.

When I was running a single DCS I got several bumps of +4 and a +9. My average bump with only single DCS was 3.4. Has the rng been nicer to me?

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