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As a pirate empire, I like the idea of all these Beer truck fleets sailing thru the stars. Do not bother sending me a truck, I would like the fun of finding my one myself

Don't worry Moonshadow, some of this people will insist to bring you beer and pizza. They will even give you there vehicle they come over with. With neighbors like that a pirates life is going to be boring.



T.O.M.A. (The One Man Alliance)

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Sorry TOMA :rolleyes:


This flower aint no sidekick.


Say....how long you been around? If anything, you're a bunch of kiddies to me anyway (timeline speaking, of course)


Being in the core -- I doubt I'll be much of a threat or a service to you anyway :lol:

Both my empires are in the core and now are connected. If it were not for a few people going to come by with beer and pizza Eternus IV. I would be amazingly bored. I will let you know when they arrive people always get lost in the core for some reason.



T.O.M.A. (The One Man Alliance)

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That is why I need no one else or desire no one else.  I have everythig I want and need. 



Leader of T.O.M.A. (The One Man Alliance)

So basically you are just going to play with yourself? Figures. :rolleyes:

Oh yes Octagon boy you are very funny, you should be taught a lesson. When you figure out which one of those eight sides is your front then come see me. You are a pathetic excuse of a being.



T.O.M.A. (The One Man Alliance)

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We have stood silent for far to long and it is now time for my empires to roll out a path of destruction that none of your puny alliances can deal with. We are the Alpha and the Omega. We do what we want when we want. We are coming so prepare yourselves for a real challenge. If you feel you can not take a real challenge go play with the Eyre, the GSL, the MING, the PA, or one of the other losers in the galaxy. There is but one true force in the Galaxy and he is talking right now.


Excuse me Leader of T.O.M.A (Totally Off & Misguided Alien), first of all, you meant SHE is talking right now (as in me). :robot:


Secondly, I'm sorry to say, you are not the one true force in this Galaxy. I have that position right now and do not plan on relinquishing it. :(


Nice intro though, I'll remember that when WE find YOU, grovelling at my feet asking for my mercy. :rolleyes:


Queen Azuth

Grand Mistress of the Lords of C.H.A.O.S.

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Both my empires are in the core and now are connected. If it were not for a few people going to come by with beer and pizza Eternus IV


Hey, if you don't want any beer :angry2: we won't bother wasting our time bringing it, more for us! :drunk:

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Both my empires are in the core and now are connected. If it were not for a few people going to come by with beer and pizza.

- Eternus IV


Hey, if you don't want any beer :angry2: we won't bother wasting our time bringing it, more for us! :drunk:

If you are tired of beer and pizza, you could always order from your local Intergalactic Ninja Burger franchise.


We'll have your Ninja Burger there in 30 minutes or less! Or we'll commit seppuku! :P

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Secondly, I'm sorry to say, you are not the one true force in this Galaxy. I have that position right now and do not plan on relinquishing it.



*lispy voice* You go girl. That deserves a snap in Z formation *snap, snap, snap*



Sakarissa :angry2:

Sakrissa you and your assistant the Azuth girl had best figure out which one of you thinks there in charge? I do not have the time to waste on demonstrating to the both of you and your inefficient races that have two sexes. Once the two of you figure it out let me know and I will demonstrate my power to you.



T.O.M.A. (The One Man Alliance)

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