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Pete once explained the rather weird way the program calculated attrition which could mean you losing all your attritional reducing installations yet leaving the 1000+ mines unscathed...that is untill next turn...


Is this something you are working on Pete or will Little Gremloids continue to live in fear of having to stay inside those not to safe subterranean cities? :)



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Actually you are wrong, I spoke to him about this 3 or was it 4 turns ago about attrition hitting one of my colonies very oddly and he then stated it was a problem with how the MsJet or something database calculated...


And that would be two months ago... :)




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Right now it checks your installations by entries, which isn't random enough for me: I just need to get some time to make it check by overall installation quantity in the pop group, and then count down to pick a random one. This would heavily weight losses to mines and other high-quantity installations, which makes more sense anyway.

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My experience shows that while there may be a random element to which institution gets clobbered in attrition, the domed cities still get hit the hardest due to smaller numbers (true for each of the last 2 turns)....ie I may loose 25 mines but I also lose 5 domed cities)....and then the REAL attrition begins. Trust me, it can get ugly.


I can only recommend that you keep 2 attrition turns plus worth of unemployed (a single turn screwup usually leads to a domino effect). Also, if things go wrong, just bite the bullet and dissassemble A LOT of industry so at least the construction points survive.


Just watching the colonists starve....



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Yeah, tell me about it.


I had a turn that killed off all my attritional reducing installations and left all the mines and powerplants unscathed...now the next turn was brutal as I didn't have time to get new CM out there and the CM from DISM mines weren't enough...that'll teach me to colonise an Asteroid Belt with Gremloids :)


Tip: As well as keeping Surplus pop, ALWAYS keep at least minimum required in CM to rebuild cities, subterr cities etc etc...



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Wish I had done this earlier. A few turns ago I lost a Fission Power Plant from attrition... I had to redirect every cargo ship in the system to deliver enough Construction Materials to rebuild this power plant. :)

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Nope that doesn't help, apparently the colonist falls on the self destruct button of the installation in his death throes.


Happy TG



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What if you had a Surface Fleet with Cargo holds. Would the CM's just transfer to this?

Nope. They're just gone. The CMs and the POP.


Even an unpopulated PopGroup can still be used to "warehouse" items, so it's not really a 'lack of storage space' issue.


The part that really hurts is the issue that Pete is trying to address (to a certain degree), quantity and size doesn't matter, right now.


If you have a colony with

100 Cities

1 Colonial Training Center

100 Domed Cities

1 Fission Power Plant Complex

10,000 Iron Mines

98 Shrines


100 "spare" Pop


You have a total Population of 10,400.

You have 10,199 Installations at 500 Construction Materials each.

You have 1 Installation at 500,000 Construction Materials (Fission Plant).

You have 100 Installations at 5000 Improved Construction Materials each (Domed Cities).


If you have a 1% Attrition rate over your Growth rate, you'll lose 104 Pop per turn. Since you only have 100 to lose, you'll lose four Installations. Right now the program doesn't care that 97% of them are Iron Mines. It only knows that you have 6 different types of Installations, which means that you have a 16.7% chance (4 times) to have the Fission Power Plant vanish - losing the 500k CMs, all of your Colony's power and the one Pop. :D


Based on quantity of Installations the odds* would be --


97.09% - Iron Mine

00.97% - City

00.97% - Domed City

00.95% - Shrine

00.01% - Colonial Training Center

00.01% - Fission Plant


For those of you that want the size math, assuming an Installation that takes 500,000 CMs is 1000 times larger than an Installation that takes 500 CMs. Including size and quantity, odds* become --


81.97% - Iron Mine

08.20% - Domed City

08.20% - Fission Plant

00.82% - City

00.80% - Shrine

00.01% - Colonial Training Center


Regardless, you still lose 4 Installations. I'd be a lot happier knowing that I'd probably lose an Iron Mine instead of my Fission Power Plant Complex with each roll of the die. :drunk:


*NOTE: Odds would obviously change after the first Installation loss, if the program recalculates the odds before each Installation loss.



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Good show SK!


Although math always makes my head hurt...I learned Excel when I started to play SNROE, was no way to survive in the game otherwise :lol:


Happy TG




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