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2,000,000 level 1 resources is the average mining capacity for a Home World?  :cheers:


If so, then my Home World is seriously below average, at about 1,300,000 level 1 resources, including about 25,000 Ghuran Demonblood that I have yet to find a use for.  :ph34r:


My first colony has a mining capacity of about 1,000,000 level 1 resources (including about 6,000 of the ubiquitous Ghuran Demonblood).  Luckily, this is in my Home System and is "ideal" for my Empire's race to colonise ... so I guess this makes up for it.  :ph34r:


I started playing SNROTE from the very beginning, in September 2002.  Does this confirm woolfe99's suspicions about later starters having better Home Worlds?  Or are we being paranoid?


Len Lorek

"The Bush Administration"

I have made no changes to the homeworld resource code. Here's an example of a test empire I created just a few cycles ago:


Caldaran Crystals 12

Crystals 165

Gaseous Elements 138

Ghuran Demonblood 177

Hydroelectric Potential 91

Industrial Chemicals 138

Iron 417

Light Metals 148

Lumber 401

Petrochemicals 95

Radioactive Elements 11

Water 376


Is this homeworld somehow uber? :cheers:

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Hey, random happens. Here is a world I've known of since very early:


Meat 552

Water 524

Iron 500

Fruits and Vegetables 404

Hydroelectric Potential 297

Petrochemicals 280

Light Metals 250

Fibers 147

Ghuran Demonblood 144

Caldaran Crystals 130

Lumber 118

Gaseous 97

Precious Metals 91

Grains 72

Crystals 67


Total of 3673


I tend to see these big totals on Terristrial worlds where the water, meat, and like other items get pushed up. Great for empires who's troops need a good feeding.


Of course, if you get rid of all the troop / food related, that 3673 drops fast. On the other hand, I know of a moon that totals around 2800 where items like Iron, Crystals, Light Metals, Precious Metals, Radioactives, and several other key minerals are all in the mid to upper 200's. Nothing super impressive, but lots of good mid-level mining.


These worlds have been there since game start like me. SO, random happens, it's just luck of the draw (coming from me with a race starting with 4.6 Gravity and an Ammonia Atmosphere at 110 temp ... and lets not get started on the lack of resources on the homeworld where Iron just beat out water .. arrgghhh :ph34r: )

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No Master of the Galaxy...This is Uber:


Iron 512

Lumber 493

Crystal 412

Gaseous 401

Hydro 398

Light Metal 312

Meat 295

Fruits and Veggie 201

6 others below 100...


But I have had that home world since turn 1. Granted there is only 1 planet in system..


Surrender and Survive

And the name of this world is ...



... other?


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Sorry, I had posted something controversial and not re-visited the thread for a while. My estimate of 2M per turn was off the top of my head, but it was not accurate. The number is 1.55 M, give or take a few. The second empire is closer to 1.3 M. I think that total yields are very similar from one HW to the next. The main difference is whether you get fewer, higher yields or more, lower yields. Fewer, higher yields is much better, and that's the difference between my two empire HW's.


The colony world I got for the second empire will produce around 2.6 M resources per turn if fully exploited. Figure a lumber yield at 765, radioactives at 665, crystals at around 520, iron at 360, and about 10 others between 20 and 350...


Edit: my suspicion was never that later empires were getting better homeworlds. My second empire's homeworld is not as good as my first. My suspicion was that later empires are starting with 1 ridiculously rich ideal colony world in their home system.

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my suspicion was never that later empires were getting better homeworlds. My second empire's homeworld is not as good as my first. My suspicion was that later empires are starting with 1 ridiculously rich ideal colony world in their home system.

Ah. Well, our colony has extremely low attrition, but it's not ideal. Gravity is much too high, nearly six times that of homeworld. But other than that, it's a quite congenial spot and should put out 2.9M resources per turn when fully operational.

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I think there has always been a wide swing in starting homeworld systems. I have heard of very very small starting systems with as little as an accompanying gas giant, to large systems with 30+ orbits. Without worrying about the exact resources on each object, you can see there is a huge variance between those two extremes.

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Just remember one needs to do the most with what they have been given, and is all anyone should worry about. Don't fret what you do or don't have, just use what is there to the best advantage.

Very true ...


Anytime I can get a Resource that doesn't cause massive amounts of death due to attrition, I'm happy. I'm sure it would be less of a concern for Races who are prolific breeders. My race is not so empowered.


-SK :angry2:

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I'm an elder core race and I have a planet with a 675 Iron Yield.....with insane attrition....


But so far its worth the sacrifice of 100 or so populace per turn to keep things running smoothly :lol:


We give em great benefits and one helluva insurance policy before they sign up for mining on that rock :alien2:

Now if I had Iron like that I would be even more arrogant than I already am.



The One Man Alliance (T.O.M.A.)

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  • 2 weeks later...



How much ground combat tech are needed for advancement in production capacity? Somewhere it says that Rasor wire are needed for Imp. Stripmines???



What happens after you get to the advanced stage of the materials tech? Is there something like ultra-advanced steel etc???



What are the Improved versions of Consumer Goods, Food Concentrates, Plantfoods, Black market Goods, Foodstuff, Textiles etc used for???

Should I invest RC on those techs ???



As a colonizer with some SRP´s I am a bit unsure on how to best spend those points. Should I focus on weapon tech and be more prepared to defend myself or should I focus on engine, Production techs ??




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1) Ground Combat techs do not (so far) seem to impact getting production increases. Improved/advanced materials and increases in horizon techs leads to various production improvements and newer installations. For example, getting 2nd Generation Industrial Science gives you 10% to all IC's, 3rd Gen gives 30%. And various combos of materials and horizon techs will open up improved industrial complexes and improved stripmines.


2) No one has mentioned opening up beyond advanced. But given the multiple levels of horizon techs, it is possible that getting something like 5th Gen "X" + Advanced "Y" will open up something new. Not likely given all the explore data, but, still possible.


3) Who knows. You need them to get to Advanced. And it may be Advanced leads to all the good stuff, so these are merely stepping stones.


4) All saved SRP's should be packaged and sent to the Galactic Improvement Fund, care of The Concordium. I'll make sure to spend them wisely to advance the boundries of galactic knowledge so as to get better answers to the above questions.

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