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Combat abilities vs. research bonuses


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I would like to know if the combat abilities I took measures up to the research bonuses I could have had. What I have noticed is that empires that are far younger than my empire are passing me by. Therefore, I think that combat abilities should give me a fantasitic advantage for the entire game. For example, an empire with FIFTY or more combat techs still should not be equivalent to my empire initial bonuses. The reason is a high tech empire would easily have these. If this is not the case I would like them improved. I have noticed becuase of my low RM compared to other races with higher RM, I get almost 1/3 less techs.

Whats up.


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I would like to know if the combat abilities I took measures up to the research bonuses I could have had. What I have noticed is that empires that are far younger than my empire are passing me by. Therefore, I think that combat abilities should give me a fantasitic advantage for the entire game. For example, an empire with FIFTY or more combat techs still should not be equivalent to my empire initial bonuses. The reason is a high tech empire would easily have these. If this is not the case I would like them improved. I have noticed becuase of my low RM compared to other races with higher RM, I get almost 1/3 less techs.

Whats up.


One of the nice things about lifeform features that grant bonuses such as the space combat modifier is that it stacks with whatever tech you might be using. If you get passed by in the research end, it may well be that your lifeform space combat bonus can help to make up the difference. Alternatively, trade with a neighbor for his superior weapons and get the best of both worlds :unsure:

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  • 4 weeks later...



I have some questions about space combat modifers and Naval Captains,


1) Do SCM affect firepower

2) Do SCM affect "brigde" rating like computer systems

3) Do SCM affect defensive systems ?

4) Do SCM affect structual integrity of all ships?


And the same questions about Naval Captains

5) Do Captains affect firepower

6) Do Captains affect "bridge" rating like computer systems

7) Do Captains affect defensive systems ?

8) Do Captains affect structual integrity of all ships?


How do they work?




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Both your Space Combat Modifier and leaders can affect all of these things and more. It doesn't mean that they always boost all of those areas, but both SCM and leaders are almost always extremely helpful. This is especially true for larger battles, where areas like bridge ratings can play an important role.

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What is the difference between Battle Imaging System and Laser Communications Gear? They both are computer systems that helps in the bridge category but the Laser Communications Gear also helps in Intelligence? What does the intelligence factor help with and why would someone want to research Battle Imaging System when the other tech gives more bonuses??


Thanks Tokmok

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  • 3 weeks later...



What actually happens when I use computers etc to improve fire control for my ships in Space combat.


1) Are my ships only able to divide the firepower equally on say 5 number of ships?


2) Are they able to divide the firepower according to structual integrity so that the biggest ship receive the most firepower?


3) Are they able to split the firepower according to which enemy ships that are the biggest threat(Has the biggest firepower)?


4) What are the difference between the bridge rating and the intelligence rating of the various computer systems?


Thanks Tokmok

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1) Are my ships only able to divide the firepower equally on say 5 number of ships?


2) Are they able to divide the firepower according to structual integrity so that the biggest ship receive the most firepower?


3) Are they able to split the firepower according to which enemy ships that are the biggest threat(Has the biggest firepower)?


4) What are the difference between the bridge rating and the intelligence rating of the various computer systems?


Thanks Tokmok


1. bridge Rating determines fire control capabilities. Higher % makes it easier to target multiple targets. One advantage of having many many smaller ships v. a dreadnought with one MK I computer is that he blows up one ship a turn while your gnats whittle away.


2. They do not divide by structural but apply firepower based on where the ships are lined up. Carrier in the back may be the biggest but gets little fire because of the closer ships



3. Don't know. I think it goes by where they are located. I fought 6+ million tons with about 2M tons and won but I had the tech edge.


4. Different catagories.


Bridge: (based on MK I computer) The computer maintains a huge ships' library and is used for navigation, data analysis and routine systems monitoring. In combat, it is used for a multitude of tasks including weapons targeting, target tracking, evasive maneuvers, ECM, ECCM, IFF and weapons fire control.


Intelligence: A ground tech increase not used in space/

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I'm a bit lost as to how to figure out how much bridge rating equipment to dedicate to ship designs. the MK Computer system descriptions give a rating for bridge strength and indicate there is little need for multiples of these systems. So, am I to assume that a single MK II Computer system gives "Fair" bridge strength to an entire fleet regardless of # of ships/weapons? My guess is no, and that as your fleet is more complex in size and weapons more fire control is needed if you want to make sure you can fire at multiple numerous targets/round of combat. But how much is enough? How is it figured? Does sensor strength maybe play into fire control as well?

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I wondered the same thing considering that the Pathfinder design which we all start with has 10 Short Range Sensors on it. Why 10? It is definitely a clue to something about ship design. Maybe Hobknob has it right....it is just a matter of still functioning after damage. In that case, you could design a Command ship with 50% computers for massive fleet control.

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