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I've had some questions about ICE from a number of players. If you don't know what it is, it's a very risky industrial-based advance. I just wanted to post here to make sure that all of you ICErs out there need to read the item description again and make sure you fully understand what you're getting into. You can build huge stockpiles of the stuff and you might get lucky...but you're taking your chances. ICE is risky, and totally, utterly, unpredictable. Treat it as a regular, predictable industrial production item, as if you were just cranking out Mk I Fusion Engines, and you're playing with fire. Caveat emptor! :)

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For inquiring mindsss.


CTO, Sssarasss


-----ANZ (Analyze Item)-----


ICE-1: ICE, or Instant Coalescing Embrace, is a highly unstable material used to alter the molecular structure of other objects. Some call the effect 'freezing' but no thermal exchange takes place. The very fabric of atomic bonding seems to be changed, resulting in sometimes weird and often quite unpredictable results. In truth, your scientists have stumbled across something that they do not truly understand. They do know that if deployed on a planet, ICE-1 has a chance of altering the geological nature of the area. Sometimes a new material is formed, while other times a perfectly good vein of precious metals or other yield is ruined. Proximity to a gravitational field seems to drive the reaction. To use, simply construct ICE-1 and leave it in stockpile. On the following turn, just prior to mining and industrial production, stockpiled ICE-1 will react in what can only be described as a totally unpredictable way. To prevent the reaction, load the ICE-1 onto a fleet and move it well away from any planetary body (a Warp Point is safe). Leaving it in orbit is thought to be inadvisable. Use on your homeworld is considered exceedingly risky. Your scientists have no idea what might happen if ICE-1 is carried through a Warp Point. There may well be military uses, but your scientists fear what might happen if they experiment too much.

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Putting this in other terms, ICE-1 will cause changes in the resource ratings on the planet where it is located. The effect is random. Hence the big warning about not leaving it on your homeworld. Would you like to see your IRON rating go down?


I know some players have been experimenting with ICE-1, attempting to determine if there is some correlation between the amount of random changes and the amount of ICE-1. They were also experimenting with it to see if the total random changes were generally positive for the total resources on the planet, or generally no overall change. IE If Iron drops from 200 to 197, and Crystals went up from 110 to 115, you might think you gained 2 overall resources. But from a production standpoint, you lose the ability to produce (at max production) 2985 Iron, and gain the ability to produce 2825 more Crystal .. so it's actually a slight loss.


No one I know of has reported any adverse effects going through a WP yet. Still, it could be fun to build an explorer, load them with fuel and ICE-1, and start jumping back and forth hoping to be sent somewhere else in the galaxy.....

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Ah dear Sakarissa, if it were but that simple we would have done it long ago when we first understood some of the underlying principles of ICE. Unfortunately there are more ways than one to travel between systems so this would not make us safer in that way. But hopefully we shall see technology that enables us to leave this violent place soon :D




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Thanks for the disclaimer, Pete :nuke:


Question a friend and I had tho - what happens if you eliminate certain resources.....does the program keep a flag on the eliminated resource and allow it the chance to come back into the randomization process? Is there a chance that resources that had zero yield before, suddenly get an increase? (Haven't been able to confirm either question empirically)


If you can permanently lose a resource via ICEing....what stops you from ICEing a world until it has 1 or 2 resources? (Granted, the Yields might be crap...but it certainly changes the probability...(as opposed to odds)....the 'ol flip a coin a million times once in a row or flip a million coins all at once thing....)

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Thanks for the disclaimer, Pete  :drunk:


Question a friend and I had tho - what happens if you eliminate certain resources.....does the program keep a flag on the eliminated resource and allow it the chance to come back into the randomization process?  Is there a chance that resources that had zero yield before, suddenly get an increase?  (Haven't been able to confirm either question empirically)


If you can permanently lose a resource via ICEing....what stops you from ICEing a world until it has 1 or 2 resources?  (Granted, the Yields might be crap...but it certainly changes the probability...(as opposed to odds)....the 'ol flip a coin a million times once in a row or flip a million coins all at once thing....)

Yes :nuke:

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Yes   ;)


I feel like that cartoon character that finally makes it to the top of the mountain in search of wisdom and all I get is a wise man asking me if I brought any Bud Light with me.


I presume the answer is "Yes" - that a 'zero' resource can pop up after an ICE attempt?


Or maybe - a "Yes" that you eventually ICE a world down to 2 resources.


I can only hope to bring Bud Light next time, it appears :cheers:

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