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First turn submitted!!


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One bit of advice Virmilyn. Accept the fact that you are not perfect and you will make mistakes on your turns. We have all done it, and although hindsight is a wonderful thing it does not exist in the real world.


The game is huge, mistakes no matter how large, are unlikely to be catastrophic although they can be bloody annoying.


Contact HBOB and they will ensure you can drink yourself stupid. Doesn't do much for your turns but after a few bottles who cares :rolleyes:

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Well, it probably is time for a new name, though as a board troll, why would I want to restart? I'll think about it tho.


As far as advice, my advice is to ask questions here. These guys have been very helpful and have clarified how things work... Of course I only understand 3.14% of this game so far, but the knowledge is increasing (soon to be 3.1415%). Also, look through the old posts, they are quite helpful. It takes time, but it's worthwhile. I asked alot of questions in the last month or so, and the responses I got were awesome, so you might want to check some of those out.


I'm hoping for a mistake free turn... ya, right!!! I've been writing my turn since the day after receiving the setup, and think I got it perfect, but will probably find out the hard way that it wasn't. Hopefully, if there are any, they will be small mistakes.


Well, back to waiting.... Is it here yet?



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Congrats on the new turn, Prospective! :drunk:


Welcome to Virmilyn :o


I've been playing since the game started and am still happy about the depth of this game. Pete and Russ are constantly improving the game. I won't be surprised if you decide to roll up another empire after you've played a few turns and with the new tools at your disposal, running multiple empires is pretty easy.


I would highly recommend you acquaint yourself to Ed Mooney (Phasedragon)'s spreadsheet. Its an amazing pience of work. You might not understand all the terms and tricks right away, but believe me, it will be worth it down the line. If you need any help, I'm certain that Ed can help (so can I)


I also recommend Astrosynthesis - a 3-d mapping program - especially now that they've made some improvements and patches specific to this game! Also, I understand that RTG is working on providing info to make it MUCH easier for us to map our systems. The 3-d map adds tremendous depth to the PBM experience, I might add.


The numerous player guides available through the RTG board and SNROTE Yahoo group (contact Lars aka Locklyn for access) have consolidated much of the advice floating around on the board....things like Yield formulas, fuel usage formulas, a nice guide on how to colonize etc.


Lastly, don't worry about feeling 'behind' You have the luxury of many of our mistakes to learn from...and believe me, us old-school core players have all made a bunch of them. I wouldn't expect contact for at least 20 turns (and that assumes you are exploring fairly aggressively and that your immediate neighbors don't get real lucky)


If you still have that paranoid feeling, though....throw up some ships to gaurd the Warp points that go in and out of your system. The LAST thing you want is an alien vessel to stumble across your homeworld so easily :rolleyes: Like Pete said: as long as you still have your homeworld, you still have a chance!


Good luck guys,



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I read the Astrosynthesis post. However, while I understand that it's a 3-D starmapping program, what I don't get is how it applies to SN:ROTE. If we do not know where the other end of the warp point is, then how can we map it in a x,y,z system? I mean, even if I put my home system at 0,0,0 how would I know where to map the system at WP1, WP2, WP 3, etc?? Unless there is some coordinate system in the game (which I have understood there is not), any locations would be guesses...


However, I do think it would be cool to model the galaxy. I just don't understand how it applies without coordinates...

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re: "As far as advice, my advice is to ask questions here. These guys have been very helpful and have clarified how things work... Of course I only understand 3.14% of this game so far, but the knowledge is increasing (soon to be 3.1415%)."


Why is you understanding equal to 1 percent of pi? And further, as it increases, it reveals further decimal points of pi? There has got to be some cosmological significance to it all. Isn't that how we're supposed to establish communications with aliens? ('See, we can calculate pi! 3.1415926!) Are you a circular race? Do you use circular logic?


Inquiring minds want to know!


--Russ (naw, another one)


(It has been a long day.)

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I'm hoping for a mistake free turn... ya, right!!! I've been writing my turn since the day after receiving the setup, and think I got it perfect, but will probably find out the hard way that it wasn't. Hopefully, if there are any, they will be small mistakes.


I found it wasn't the order entry mistakes that bite you but the lack of understanding how things work. I asked a lot of questions too but there is so much to learn and not all of it is in the rules so


Good Luck on your Turn but dont expect perfection. :rolleyes:

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