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Production of components


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Ok, on my T1 orders I screwed up and over produced converting RR's to iron. While not a bad thing in the grand scheme of things, I used up all my industries and did not end up producing the fuel tankage as I had expected. This generates a question which hopefully someone can assist me on...


Lets say I want to produce fuel tanks. It takes 5 steel to make 1 fuel tank, but the resulting fuel tank weighs 1 ton. How do I account for it when calculating industrial complex usage? Do I take the output of 1 industrial complex, which produces 250tons of material and divide it by 5 (the amount of material input)? That would mean that for each industrial complex, I can make 50 fuel tanks...


Or, do I divide it by the output tonnage? That would mean that 1 industrial complex will be able to produce 250 fuel tanks per turn.


Which is correct? I suspect the former, but you never know and I don't have a concrete example from which to judge. I really don't want to screw up this turn and try to overproduce (or underproduce).



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Here is what you have to do:


Calculate the tonnage of the materials that are needed to manufactore your product and then divide by 250 tons and the answer will be how many Industrial Complexes you need.


For Example: 1 ton of Fuel Tankage is 5 tons of steel, therefore you need 5/250 = 1 Industrial Complex (I always round up).


Hope this answers your question.

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Don't forget to modify your production if you have obtained 2nd or 3rd Gen Industries.


For example 2nd gen Industries will let your Industrial complexes produce 0.1 times more. 250 +(250 * 0.1) = 275. 3rd Gen Industry increases the modifier

to 0.3 for 250 + (250 * 0.3) = 325.


The Industries modifier carries over to Improved Industrial Complexs (IIC) which are base 750. So with say 3rd gen industries and IIC you would be able to produce 750 + (750 * 0.3) = 975 per unit.


Good Cheer,


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I understand your confusion on the tonnage issue. I admit that I had to have that clarified for me as well. The tonnage "worked on" to create the final product is what determines your industrial needs and not the tonnage of the final product.

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Wow... We never calculate how many ICs we need. Our spreadsheet does all the multiplications for ICs, Improved ICs, and our current level of industrial tech and tells us how many tons we can process. We then do our production based off that number. Fortunately, it coincides nicely with our ][CE economic model. };-)>

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Improved industrial complexes are installations. To get the effect you have to build them. How long will it take you to replace your 450,000 starting industries.


The industrial science bonus is an across the board bump that happens all at once.


Both are very valuable and worth doing.


:lol: :cheers: :lol: :lol:

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Both are very valuable and worth doing.


Indeed :blink:


Try counting again ssshould take you 9 turnsss.


I thinksssss ssssoo too. :cheers: Didn't we post the pre-reqs for these a while back? Might be another thread on this topic elsewhere. Try a search for "Improved Industrial Complex"


I don't know about you guys, I find myself never having enough Improved CMs (especially when you throw in Orbital Crystal Refineries)

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Our colony is producing more crystals than we know what to do with, although OCRs do sound like fun.

One problem with all the industrial expansion is that we're now running dangerously low on raw resources. Fortunately, we've just (finally) completed Improved Stripmine technology, so we can begin to catch up.

At current levels, we can replace 1500 ICs and SMs with improved versions of both every turn. We're using the freed-up ConMats to build colonial structures and cathedrals.

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we're now running dangerously low on raw resources.


Hehe its pretty late for me.


When I read this, I first interpreted that it was possible to 'run out' of raw resources. But I think you meant that your Industrial Capacity has recently exceeded your Raw Resource production capacity (in terms of installations and perhaps power/pop?) Or has the rule changed since turn zero? :lol:


You can overshoot industrial capacity...having lots of high yield colonies can also help you 'catch' up in terms of finding resources to send through the streamline.


In any case I'm in no danger of overshooting either capacity yet...I need more CBs, Engines, Cargo Ships, ICMs and CMs! :cheers:

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