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Newbee Questions


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As the header says I am new to SN and there are two questions I am wondering about after the first turn:


1.) The first turn I made 6 new fleets from Fleet 101 and transfered 6 pathfinder and 1200 fuel each to this new fleets. Then tried to fly to the stars in my system and to scan. But the transfers did not work - the error messages do not tell me why. Is it not possible to make a new fleet and use the ID# the same turn?


2.) In the second turn I was really surprised that I do know nothing about my home planet. In the first turn I got some information about resource yields and in the second it was lost in space, does this mean when I want to know something about my resources yields I have to rescan it or I have to look in my setup for it? Or have I overseen a database function in the editor?

I am going to scan all the planets and moons in my system, I hope that I have not to use the old fashioned way to keep the infos I get there by copying it from the pdf File to homemade text file. Any hints?


Thanks in advance for your answers



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1) To make new fleets do the following:

NEWF, 101, 102, 102nd Recon

RN, 101, 102, Pathfinder, 1, Fuel


Also you want to do the splitting before you do any actions with 101 or all of the fleets will fewer APs left.



2) You have to keep lots of external databases to track that info. Graphic star map, system scans, planet maps, CSVs, contact logs, ship design specifics, etc.

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If you got a print out of every planet you scanned each turn or even each system you have scanned, it would not take long for the file being sent to you would be HUGE! and also if it was done for everybody, it would take DAYS for all the files to be sent to everybody.


Besides, half the fun is getting all the info down (there is a free set of files from Phasedragon that may help.. see the other thread)

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Hello Dai and welcome to the game!


1) I assume you did 6 NEWF from your original fleet with the multiple Pathfinders in?

You then RN the ships into each of the new fleets? Important to remember is that with the RN order every ship you transfer out always takes as much cargo and fuel as it can carry with it.

When you say that you tried to move to the stars in your system do you mean that you wanted to examine the planets listed in your system or that you wanted to go through warp points listed in your intitial turn? This is a bit unclear by your post.


If you wish to examine a world located inside a system you have to:


Naval Move (NM) F# (System Name) Orbital location (Numeral) if moon (letter)

Ie NM F102 Gretchen 4a


Notice that certain orders such as CSV and ORB are only done on the world you are orbiting. The GEO and PMAP orders can be done on any moon sharing orbit with the orbit you are currently in , for example if you are in orbit around Gretchen 4a you can also GEO and PMAP Gretchen 4 as well as any other moons that may be listed on the system survey (SS) ie PMAP F102 B etc


If you wish to examine those systems that are listed on your System Survey for your initial system then you have to MOVE a fleet to the warp point listed and the WARP for the fleet to move through the warp point. Next turn you can do a SS order to gain details of that system, note that the warp points in the new system will not be listed by names, just by numbers as they are unsureveyed and you need to bring a Survey ship to them and do a SURV order


2) You need to redo PMAP, GEO and CSV orders on your homeworld to see any changes. Changes only occur when you build special installations later in the game.


For data management I reccommend PhaseDragons utility which is on this site.


Hope this helps otherwise feel free to contact me




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Welcome to the game, Dai. :drunk::cheers:


Do not do any expl with your pathfinders, as they do not have any cargo space on them. If they find anything, you will lose it because they have no place to put it.

Only my humble opinion, but, I think the basic pathfinders are actually pretty much useless. :)

Of course others have different opinions.


Anyway, welcome,


Kahless :)

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Do not do any expl with your pathfinders, as they do not have any cargo space on them. If they find anything, you will lose it because they have no place to put it.  Only my humble opinion, but, I think the basic pathfinders are actually pretty much useless.  Of course others have different opinions.


To add to his note, also note that pathfinders tend to get stranded out in space. They can only scan Class A and B warp points, therefore, I suggest you research Mk II Jump Survey Sensors. Also, when you build your scout ships, don't forget about the fuel consumption....the bigger the warp point you go thru, the more fuel it consumes.


Welcome to the galaxy.


Now where exactly did you say you were located.... :)

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I personally have a flexible 'no scrap' policy. All ships can have some use. I have only scrapped one ship, and when I designed it early on, I knew it would eventually be scrapped. When you develop TWD's, those old Cargo/colony ships can still be used, especially when you have systems with multiple colonies.

I used my initial lot of Pathfinders to do a lot of SURV's (A's and B's only of course) and many, many, PMAP, GEO and CSV's. I now have new ships that 'replace' them, but most of my pathfinders are now sitting at WP's, as 'spotting' ships. Doesn't cost me anything, not even fuel, to have them sit there and XLFE, XSENS the rest of the game. They can warn me of incursions by aliens. (and I can add other ships to them as they become obsolete.) And then, as I add more WP defenses later, I'll save an order (NEWF).

Besides, what use would I have on new ships for outdated 10cm Autocannons, Mk I JSS, etc.??

OH, and Kahless, when you get TWD's, you can always attach an old Cargo ship to that Pathfinder and then XEXPL, XOC, XEXPL, XOC......... Cheap exploration vessel.

But keep in mind, just have fun and run your empire the way you want to, but get used to spreadsheets! :rolleyes:B)

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I agree as to using pathfinders as warning ships @ warp points, and thats about all. :rolleyes:

Let me see if I have this straight Kurassier, you are going to research or slot 1 twd's build another pathfinder with a twd and attach another ship you had to build(cargo) to it ? I just built a ship with MKII fussion engines, MKIV JSS and jump drive with a descent cargo hold, 25 or 50 K and go wherever I want, and do 8 explores per turn. :alien:


Kahless B)

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Let me see if I have this straight Kurassier, you are going to research or slot 1 twd's build another pathfinder with a twd and attach another ship you had to build(cargo) to it ? I just built a ship with MKII fussion engines, MKIV JSS and jump drive with a descent cargo hold, 25 or 50 K and go wherever I want, and do 8 explores per turn


Nope, I just used the initial allotment of Pathfinders, not building any more. I had several NON-TWD cargo ships. Since the cargo ships have been replaced with TWD cargo ships, I take the old non-twd cargo ship and attach it to a pathfinder fleet, which has survey capacity, put it over a world and then XEXPL. My TWD ships are too busy to be doing EXPL orders. :rolleyes:B)

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Pathfinders = speedbumps. And because executing a complete battle does not even burn a single Action Point, they are rather poor at being speedbumps as well.



Actually that's a very interesting and important point! B)


Surely a Naval Battle should consume an Action Point?


What do you all think?


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric

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