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Team Game Proposal


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Hi Guys,


In response to the interest that was shown recently for a Dutch vs US game we've given it some thought and decided to see if we can put together a team game. I think we probably should expand it to a US vs World/International concept to include our Australia, German, Swiss, Mongolian, etc. players in the fun :rolleyes: Depending on how many folks are interested we may have to organize it a little differently (i.e. US/Australia vs everybody else or whatever) but we'll see how it goes.


We'll need two teams with a minimum of 15 players a side for a special game to set up. If we can get it up to 16-20 player teams so much the better. My idea is to start it pretty much as a normal game - TP 1 start, normal duration and starting stockpiles - and see how it plays out. If the team game is a popular addition - other games could set up down the road with different ground rules.


One area that I think we'd do differently in this game is diplomacy. Our ability to tinker with the code in Victory! is currently pretty limited so there won't be a lot of rule changes but with two teams we could limit PAP proposals to members of your own team and then cut off all PAP orders after say Turn 4 (give the teams a chance to figure out what TA groupings they want for intelligence sharing and cede purposes then time to get things set up). Limiting war declarations to nations on the opposing team (or neutrals) and increasing the starting morale of all nations would probably be good ideas as well.


The winning team would be decided at the end of the game by taking all the individual scores and averaging them for the entire starting team (not the surviving members - if you start with 15 players a team, all 15 nations count in the end). Another idea for the team game I'd like to try is allowing a team to remove a player from their side and replace him with another (for a variety of reasons - unable to continue for real world reasons, ineffective team player, suspected mole, whatever) with a minimum two thirds vote of the current team. Replacing an inactive TA in a normal game isn't uncommon but removing a player from a game, possibility against his will, is a little harsh...winning and losing is going to be a team effort though and as long as everybody understands the ground rules (i.e. the need to be a team player) going in I think it would be ok.


As far as how to assign nations there are a couple ways (off the top of my head) we could go.


1) Flip a coin - one team picks a nation, then the other, etc.

2) One team picks first, next team picks 2nd and 3rd, next team picks 4th and 5th, etc.


I like the idea of each team picking their own nations so that there is a strategy to consider right from the start - what nation do we take first, what region should be try to dominate, what nations (if any) do the teams leave open, etc. We could arrange a day (maybe a Saturday) where we all get together on the forums for a nation pick session (sort of like a fantasy football draft party) or we could do the picking via email. The teams could designate their own orders for picking nations (or have me prepare one ahead of time) or pick a captain to do the picking (that would have to be a unanimous team vote) or we can come up with something else.


If you like the concept or have thoughts on it let me know and hopefully we'll get enough interest to give this team game a try :thumbsup:


Take care & good gaming!



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I really like this idea, and since real life has settled down enough for me to join another game, I'd love to try this one.

The distribution of countries should be considered very carefully, since it may well be one of the deciding moments in the game. I fully support both methods, with a preference for the second. But since it's such an important factor, we should really take the time and give people room for coming up with a plan and consulting allies during the pick. Maybe Russ should first pick the players with one of these methods, and publish the results. Then the first player on the list gets to pick a country, and so on. Each choice should be public so the next player knows what countries are still available. After all countries have been picked I think the players should be allowed to switch countries to account for time and budget limitations.


Are we going to limit the tech choices of the teams? Say a British/German team against a American/Russian team?

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Guest Spongebob
Another idea for the team game I'd like to try is allowing a team to remove a player from their side and replace him with another (for a variety of reasons - unable to continue for real world reasons, ineffective team player, suspected mole, whatever) with a minimum two thirds vote of the current team.


Guys this bit really does cause me some concerns, how would a Sponge survive, no matter what team I am on I would be voted out. Unless..... I can play Denmark as an Independent nation, my alliegence could waver from side to side dependent on the circumstance. I know I am retired now but a special team game is just what the Sponge needs. I also like the idea of everyone getting together to do a draft pick

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Another idea for the team game I'd like to try is allowing a team to remove a player from their side and replace him with another (for a variety of reasons - unable to continue for real world reasons, ineffective team player, suspected mole, whatever) with a minimum two thirds vote of the current team.


Guys this bit really does cause me some concerns, how would a Sponge survive, no matter what team I am on I would be voted out. Unless..... I can play Denmark as an Independent nation, my alliegence could waver from side to side dependent on the circumstance. I know I am retired now but a special team game is just what the Sponge needs. I also like the idea of everyone getting together to do a draft pick


Well Sponge, that's what you get for making us suffer all these years. Maybe you can find a way to earn our love.......

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Another idea for the team game I'd like to try is allowing a team to remove a player from their side and replace him with another (for a variety of reasons - unable to continue for real world reasons, ineffective team player, suspected mole, whatever) with a minimum two thirds vote of the current team.


Guys this bit really does cause me some concerns, how would a Sponge survive, no matter what team I am on I would be voted out. Unless..... I can play Denmark as an Independent nation, my alliegence could waver from side to side dependent on the circumstance. I know I am retired now but a special team game is just what the Sponge needs. I also like the idea of everyone getting together to do a draft pick



Spongecus, I don't normally speak for 'all' Americans, but I believe I do speak for all Americans that play Victory!, when I say that we Americans would be overjoyed to have you as a member of the 'World' team. We look forward to sparring against you and your fellow Europeans on the field of battle! :thumbsup::taz::rolleyes:

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Another idea for the team game I'd like to try is allowing a team to remove a player from their side and replace him with another (for a variety of reasons - unable to continue for real world reasons, ineffective team player, suspected mole, whatever) with a minimum two thirds vote of the current team.


Guys this bit really does cause me some concerns, how would a Sponge survive, no matter what team I am on I would be voted out. Unless..... I can play Denmark as an Independent nation, my alliegence could waver from side to side dependent on the circumstance. I know I am retired now but a special team game is just what the Sponge needs. I also like the idea of everyone getting together to do a draft pick



Spongecus, I don't normally speak for 'all' Americans, but I believe I do speak for all Americans that play Victory!, when I say that we Americans would be overjoyed to have you as a member of the 'World' team. We look forward to sparring against you and your fellow Europeans on the field of battle! :thumbsup::taz::rolleyes:



LOL Tim. Sponge, I cannot imagine the runaway ego that would cause somebody to suggest playing a lone position in a team game. I think Scotland, last time I checked, is not in the USA, so that would make you a world team player. I could be talked into playing this thing for the good ole USA if I knew you were on the world team.

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Guest Spongebob

I can just see all the Joke books getting a dust off, you all know I can take as good as I give so .... BRING IT ON.


Yes I would be part of the World Team, however my world is a whole new ball game. I guess I will just have to join up and see what happens, will I get kicked out before the game starts? will I be allowed to play my Beloved Denmark.


I realise this is going to be a big challenge and that if I am unwanted and unloved then I may not last long But I have my uses, you colonists need putting back in your box. And who better to pound upon your over inflated egos and delusions of grandure that ME!!! I will run rings around you, I will miss direct, supply half truths and general have you all beat before I have finished my Breakfast :rolleyes:

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I can just see all the Joke books getting a dust off, you all know I can take as good as I give so .... BRING IT ON.


Yes I would be part of the World Team, however my world is a whole new ball game. I guess I will just have to join up and see what happens, will I get kicked out before the game starts? will I be allowed to play my Beloved Denmark.


I realise this is going to be a big challenge and that if I am unwanted and unloved then I may not last long But I have my uses, you colonists need putting back in your box. And who better to pound upon your over inflated egos and delusions of grandure that ME!!! I will run rings around you, I will miss direct, supply half truths and general have you all beat before I have finished my Breakfast :rolleyes:


Songicus, we all know about the "special relationship" between the US and the UK and the fact that, all things considered, you brits really do not want to belong to the rest of Europe. So in this special case we would not object to you joining the US team.

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