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Game 82


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I have seen Italy attacked by Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Hungary, Spain and Portugal. That is 6 in my book. I am not at all sore about Switzerland. It is always a tough nut, but he made a fatal mistake 3 turns ago. Switzerland is a dead man walking.


Spain and Portugal no longer have any ties to us. Maybe you can get them to try to help save your bacon. I was not aware that hungary had even attacked italy and I talk to him quite frequently. Maybe last turn at bolzano now that you mention it I think he does share that border now that austria is dead. He's only slightly ahead of me in the race to paris.


Never understood why Switzerland came out there like that at the end :beer::alien2:

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I have seen Italy attacked by Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Hungary, Spain and Portugal. That is 6 in my book. I am not at all sore about Switzerland. It is always a tough nut, but he made a fatal mistake 3 turns ago. Switzerland is a dead man walking.


Spain and Portugal no longer have any ties to us. Maybe you can get them to try to help save your bacon. I was not aware that hungary had even attacked italy and I talk to him quite frequently. Maybe last turn at bolzano now that you mention it I think he does share that border now that austria is dead. He's only slightly ahead of me in the race to paris.


Never understood why Switzerland came out there like that at the end :(:P

Whether or not they have ties to you is not relevant to my point. My point is, with 6 people attacking him, you have been able to make a lot of progress, not exactly something to brag on.


I twice sent small forces to try and draw the Swiss Panzers out of xZurich, because I new I could not take Bern with them there. Kevin resisted the temptation. I knew I had to send a bigger force, so I sent 13 beat up divisions in. He could not resist the bait, and the rest is history.

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Whether or not they have ties to you is not relevant to my point. My point is, with 6 people attacking him, you have been able to make a lot of progress, not exactly something to brag on.


I twice sent small forces to try and draw the Swiss Panzers out of xZurich, because I new I could not take Bern with them there. Kevin resisted the temptation. I knew I had to send a bigger force, so I sent 13 beat up divisions in. He could not resist the bait, and the rest is history.

Actually, those 13 divisions had nothing to do with it. Although it's a good story, Mark. :P


My coming out was part of a complex plan that didn't quite work out. It nearly did, though. :( I just made a mistake and forgot to account for any forces at Belfort. No one's fault but my own.


I still don't think you can dig me out of my cities. You've Tried it before and failed. We'll see, though!



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Whether or not they have ties to you is not relevant to my point. My point is, with 6 people attacking him, you have been able to make a lot of progress, not exactly something to brag on.


My progress has been due in large part to forrest terrain, trying to funnel multiple armies through a narrow path, and the fact I had to fight my way through all of yugo's troops while he allowed italy to take all of his rear cities. Now I am faced with the same thing in the provinces of yugo as italy is waiting for me. Both his armies are trapped and will be killed this turn. And i don't recall bragging about anything

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It's Duck season------------QUACK, QUACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :python:


Are You Ready For Football?



Where's the action in this Game?

GB wants some.

Portugal Paul

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Whether or not they have ties to you is not relevant to my point. My point is, with 6 people attacking him, you have been able to make a lot of progress, not exactly something to brag on.


I twice sent small forces to try and draw the Swiss Panzers out of xZurich, because I new I could not take Bern with them there. Kevin resisted the temptation. I knew I had to send a bigger force, so I sent 13 beat up divisions in. He could not resist the bait, and the rest is history.

Actually, those 13 divisions had nothing to do with it. Although it's a good story, Mark. :python:


My coming out was part of a complex plan that didn't quite work out. It nearly did, though. :woohoo: I just made a mistake and forgot to account for any forces at Belfort. No one's fault but my own.


I still don't think you can dig me out of my cities. You've Tried it before and failed. We'll see, though!




Sure it was Kevin, a complex plan to kill those divisions. You tried to take Belfort behind them and cut off your retreat, which I expected of course. It is not relevant now.


You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit.


I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.

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You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit.


I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.

So what your saying is you'll only be able to take the one city? :python:


Thanks for the compliment, by the way. It's not easy defending alone against multiple attackers!



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  • 3 weeks later...
You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit.


I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.

Mark, you're not having much luck taking my cities, are you? :thumbsup:


How'd you like my trick of switching all of my bombers over to fighters? :blink:


Kevin (still swinging)

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You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit.


I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.

Mark, you're not having much luck taking my cities, are you? B)


How'd you like my trick of switching all of my bombers over to fighters? :thumbsup:


Kevin (still swinging)

Not trying to take them. They make a nice buffer between me and your "friends". Let your troops sit and starve, I do not need the cities, and if you wish to keep doing turns, it will be a lot of fun with all your troops on DD and no production in your cities. I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

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You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit.


I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.

Mark, you're not having much luck taking my cities, are you? B)


How'd you like my trick of switching all of my bombers over to fighters? :thumbsup:


Kevin (still swinging)

Not trying to take them. They make a nice buffer between me and your "friends". Let your troops sit and starve, I do not need the cities, and if you wish to keep doing turns, it will be a lot of fun with all your troops on DD and no production in your cities. I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

Well, that's no fun! I was enjoying being on the defensive. Don't get me wrong, though; if you don't want my cities, I won't complain! :( It'll give me a chance to rebuild and then attack again! Yeah, I know, don't have much left, but I'm still trying.


Don't know what you mean about no production, though. I've got lots of factories and tons of resources.



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You will hold xBern for awhile, but everything else is mine. Your mountain divisions in xZurich will evaporate under heavy air attack, and the rest of your country is forfeit.


I do want to congratulate you on a spirited defense. This game is only fun when people fight, the computer holds no challenge.

Mark, you're not having much luck taking my cities, are you? B)


How'd you like my trick of switching all of my bombers over to fighters? :thumbsup:


Kevin (still swinging)

Not trying to take them. They make a nice buffer between me and your "friends". Let your troops sit and starve, I do not need the cities, and if you wish to keep doing turns, it will be a lot of fun with all your troops on DD and no production in your cities. I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.



I like fish :(

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