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Game 84


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Greetings fellow leaders,


Yes, I am told by my various ministers that we are still in the fight. They assure me that they have been marshalling our forces for a brilliant offensive that will crush our enemies, and drive them before us so that we can hear the lamentation of their women. At least that is what the Minister of Defense says, but he has always been a bit overly dramatic.


Libya is also in the fight still. They too are marshalling their forces for a brilliant offensive that...............................well, you get the gist.


OK, I am going back to my harem. My ladies are particularily looking forward to vacationing on the Anatolian coast. And I do so hate to disappoint my girls.





We eagerly await your visit. Last time you came, we were away in Syria, and I am afraid we were not there to receive you properly. This Time I promise we will greet you far more enthusiastically.

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  • 1 month later...
Finally some action. I look forward to seeing how many of those Portuguese ships make it out.



None have to make it out. They did their job. 4000+ rail gone. You cannot rebuild that much over the rest of the game.


It has been generous of you to lay off Tunisia and Libya. They should be rested and ready to go now.



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Finally some action. I look forward to seeing how many of those Portuguese ships make it out.



None have to make it out. They did their job.




I suppose that is true assuming one of your Victory conditions is not Largest Navy or Most Naval Points destroyed.


If you had choosen either you are forfieting both to Iraq. I may well end up with a larger Navy than you and end up with the largest navy in the Game. All the admirals in Baghdad are a twitter with anticipation of the thought of ruling the seas. Who would have seen that coming?

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Finally some action. I look forward to seeing how many of those Portuguese ships make it out.



None have to make it out. They did their job.




I suppose that is true assuming one of your Victory conditions is not Largest Navy or Most Naval Points destroyed.


If you had choosen either you are forfieting both to Iraq. I may well end up with a larger Navy than you and end up with the largest navy in the Game. All the admirals in Baghdad are a twitter with anticipation of the thought of ruling the seas. Who would have seen that coming?


Victory Conditions are a moot point for me in this game. I got off to a slow start, with Spain and his TA's fighting to the bitter end.


This is a free game for me, so I intend to fight it out and have a little fun. Perhaps even make life a bit difficult for you guys. . . but winning is not in the cards in Game 84. Games 85 and 87 may be a different story, however.

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Finally some action. I look forward to seeing how many of those Portuguese ships make it out.



None have to make it out. They did their job. 4000+ rail gone. You cannot rebuild that much over the rest of the game.


It has been generous of you to lay off Tunisia and Libya. They should be rested and ready to go now.




Like you say, time to have a littlle fun. What fun would it be if we just rolled through Africa? Of course, I have not been just sitting on my hands all this time, and should be able to make a nice warm spot for any Portuguese sailors that are able to swim to shore. Of course, if they swim to the European side, the citizens may not treat them so well!


It will be inconvenient, to be sure, but I will make do.

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  • 1 month later...
V84 still has a pulse but life signs are weak. Will we have any major battles between live players before the end of the game?


Well, we did have the Portuguese fleet in Mar1, doing a nice job on the Istanbul rail and then dying en masse when hit by a small portion of the Turkish air force. Then we have the Tunisian transport fleet, bravely taking on the Turkish subs off of Tunis without escorts, but that didn't go so well either for them. Perhaps the vaunted Strait brothers fear to advance too fast, so we can't hurt them too much?

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V84 still has a pulse but life signs are weak. Will we have any major battles between live players before the end of the game?


Well, we did have the Portuguese fleet in Mar1, doing a nice job on the Istanbul rail and then dying en masse when hit by a small portion of the Turkish air force. Then we have the Tunisian transport fleet, bravely taking on the Turkish subs off of Tunis without escorts, but that didn't go so well either for them. Perhaps the vaunted Strait brothers fear to advance too fast, so we can't hurt them too much?


Well Marklen X, a quick review of the most Recent World Events summary shows our group taking 11 cities to your group's 10. My bet is that differential increases rapidly from here on.



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V84 still has a pulse but life signs are weak. Will we have any major battles between live players before the end of the game?


Well, we did have the Portuguese fleet in Mar1, doing a nice job on the Istanbul rail and then dying en masse when hit by a small portion of the Turkish air force. Then we have the Tunisian transport fleet, bravely taking on the Turkish subs off of Tunis without escorts, but that didn't go so well either for them. Perhaps the vaunted Strait brothers fear to advance too fast, so we can't hurt them too much?


Well Marklen X, a quick review of the most Recent World Events summary shows our group taking 11 cities to your group's 10. My bet is that differential increases rapidly from here on.




Hehe, I know that, I just wanted to provoke a response, get some dialog going again. What is up with Ireland DW Tunisia? I thought all you guys were in bed together.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Well boys, it looks like the fun is about to officially start. About time.


About to start? I guess you don't consider all the damage you've taken thus far a "start" to the battle. 4xQM sunk, 25xP-51's gone, and a bunch of warships sunk.....hard to believe that isn't a start.

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Well boys, it looks like the fun is about to officially start. About time.


About to start? I guess you don't consider all the damage you've taken thus far a "start" to the battle. 4xQM sunk, 25xP-51's gone, and a bunch of warships sunk.....hard to believe that isn't a start.


I suspect that was more fun for you than for me. I am about to have some fun now though.

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