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Robotic Shipyards


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Most likely a very high generation 'android technology' some social

Engineering and maybe some civil engineering to boot. Just a guess

Though as we dont have it yet. Its not that. Its not that big a deal though

If your race reproduces like bunnies. Its more geared to those races

That dont as they must be more efficient with their workforces.

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I agree. Lost production is lost production. I don't care how much you are reproducing. When you are capable of churning out billions of tons of shipping per turn, the lost production by not having Robotic Shipyards can add up fast.


Obviously it's not a priority early in the game, but it will open up in due time as you pursue other higher priority techs (like advanced industries and industrial science).

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Boy U Guys really want to keep that advantage over the newbies as long as U can.


Here is the ANZ


Robotic Shipyards: Advances in cybernetics and related fields have resulted in the development

of advanced robotic workers capable of reasonably sophisticated manufacturing tasks. Aside

from substantial social unrest caused by living workers being replaced by machines, limiting

their current use to the shipyard sector, they are extremely efficient and require minimal

time off for maintenance, but are somewhat inflexible in their job roles. Once designed to

install a section of hull plating, thread wires through hull structures or perform a myriad

of other tasks, the machines are left alone to do their jobs. As a result, and to maximize

their efficiency in working with a wide variety of starship components, starships of less

than 25,000 tons in total mass are ignored by the robotics in favor of larger vessels. This

means that once this technology is developed, any design placed in a shipyard anywhere in

the empire must be at least 25,000 tons in size or it will not ever be completed. Ships

placed in a shipyard to be scrapped are excluded from this restriction, as the robots

simply tear apart anything they can get their disassembling appendages on, regardless of

tonnage. The benefit of using robotic workers in empire shipyards, however, is

substantial: ship construction output is doubled to 20,000 tons of assembly per shipyard

over the normal 10,000 tons. As another benefit, existing shipyards are refitted with robots

and do not need to be reconstructed. WARNING: Once this technology is developed, ships of

less than 25,000 tons can no longer be constructed. Smaller units can be scrapped, but all

new construction must be for 25,000+ ton units. Classification: Repair Yard This Item cannot

be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other

technologies Prerequisite Technologies: 4th Generation Android Technology, 4th Generation

Cybernetics, 4th Generation Social Engineering.

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Boy U Guys really want to keep that advantage over the newbies as long as U can.



That's not the way I see it at all. Besides, I've already given out the ANZ to those that were inquiring about it.


Look at the prereqs. It's not like a new player can just research a couple of techs and "take advantage" of robotic shipyards.


This is a tech advance that is designed for advanced empires. New empires have a lot of stuff to research with a lot higher priority than robotic shipyards (some of which you have to go through to get to the shipyards)


My point of contention was with General Miles (who is not a newbie) who doesn't think they are a big deal. I do.


So no, it's not about keeping an advantage over new players.

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Well, as a general rule I just don't go around handing out high level techs. I have been in this game since the inception and I see no reason to give away the farm. In addition, research and finding new techs is one of the best things about this game and I would not want to ruin it for somebody looking for a hint and not expecting to have it handed to them. Where is the fun in that?

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Everyone has their reasons why they do or don't give out information. But what ever the reason, I would say that very little of it actually has to do with advanced players trying to maintain an advantage over newbies by keeping them in the dark for as long as they can. That just doesn't make sense. That may have been the case years ago when we were essentially all newbies, but not so much now. Besides, most of this info gets floated around anyway.


I think giving out information publicly (like on the board) has less to do with putting this information in the hands of a new player and more to do with what that information might reveal about your own empire to enemies or potential enemies.

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Boy U Guys really want to keep that advantage over the newbies as long as U can.


Here is the ANZ


Robotic Shipyards: Advances in cybernetics and related fields have resulted in the development

of advanced robotic workers capable of reasonably sophisticated manufacturing tasks. Aside

from substantial social unrest caused by living workers being replaced by machines, limiting

their current use to the shipyard sector, they are extremely efficient and require minimal

time off for maintenance, but are somewhat inflexible in their job roles. Once designed to

install a section of hull plating, thread wires through hull structures or perform a myriad

of other tasks, the machines are left alone to do their jobs. As a result, and to maximize

their efficiency in working with a wide variety of starship components, starships of less

than 25,000 tons in total mass are ignored by the robotics in favor of larger vessels. This

means that once this technology is developed, any design placed in a shipyard anywhere in

the empire must be at least 25,000 tons in size or it will not ever be completed. Ships

placed in a shipyard to be scrapped are excluded from this restriction, as the robots

simply tear apart anything they can get their disassembling appendages on, regardless of

tonnage. The benefit of using robotic workers in empire shipyards, however, is

substantial: ship construction output is doubled to 20,000 tons of assembly per shipyard

over the normal 10,000 tons. As another benefit, existing shipyards are refitted with robots

and do not need to be reconstructed. WARNING: Once this technology is developed, ships of

less than 25,000 tons can no longer be constructed. Smaller units can be scrapped, but all

new construction must be for 25,000+ ton units. Classification: Repair Yard This Item cannot

be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other

technologies Prerequisite Technologies: 4th Generation Android Technology, 4th Generation

Cybernetics, 4th Generation Social Engineering.



so does your old ship yards just automaticly convert 25000 tons of ships or do you have to build new improved ships?

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