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If that's the case it will only compound the 8000+ arm losses the Turks suffered this turn...

I had considered wiping out the rail link into Europe and decided against it even though turkey has a lot of production in Rumania and Bulgaria. So it was a little disappointing to see the rail destroyed at suez despite the fact we have allowed that war to be Libya vs jordan...

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You are to good to be true. Yes, the war of Libya vs Transjordan is very equal, on all terms...... NOT! 3:1 on production alone? Or more? Pffff, it's always easy to choose an opponent that has been fighting while you've been adding lots of production without opposition. Didn't dare go for real opposition and attack the Russia's? A "Predator" praying on the weak?

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I think you got your facts twisted a little bit. Iraq was attacked on turn 4 by all of Persia's and southern Russia's ground forces.

Turkey owns half of souhern Russia and most of Bulgaria and Rumania I would hardly call him weak. Furthermore I would've been on central Russia's border long ago had turkey left me astrakhan as I had requested to get troops north. I specifically told him I wasn't building a rail line all the way through persia and Russia. I was counting on that port he screwed me logistically... All he had to do was say no and I could've made other plans. I thought he was leaving it I didn't find out till I got there he had taken it.

I'm still going to Russia just taking longer than expected to get there...

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If that's the case it will only compound the 8000+ arm losses the Turks suffered this turn...

I had considered wiping out the rail link into Europe and decided against it even though turkey has a lot of production in Rumania and Bulgaria. So it was a little disappointing to see the rail destroyed at suez despite the fact we have allowed that war to be Libya vs jordan...


This is rich. You think it only fair that TJ, three times the size of Libya, be allowed to fight even up with Libya, but you need Syria to bail you out when Turkey, no larger than you, is kicking your butt. You should change your name to Baghdad Bob.

So Turkey "screwed" you because you made a request and he didn't do it? So your requests are basically orders?

I have done very little in the ME so far, but I can tell you, I have not yet begun to fight, and when I do, I am sure you will have plenty more to whine about.

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I think you misrepresent my post. I was explaining to falco why I attacked turkey and hadn't made it to Russia yet. You ask me falco seemed to be doing the whining!

Your assessment of the war with turkey is a little off too. All we could locate was one large Turkish SS army. We saw him holed up protecting his airforce at kozluk so I put forces out there as bait. Like I said the rat ate the poisoned cheese! We knocked that army from 100% to under 10% after he attacked with it.

Furthermore if you think turkey pushing a bunch of small inf and mtn div into persia and Iraq are kicking someone's butt then I can't stop laughing...

Obviously Libya and jordan will be a lopsided event which is why Syria and myself are not involved. Libya's fate was determined way back when they lost Algeria fighting morocco. At that point it was obvious if morocco didn't capture it then Jordan with all his production would!

Turkey was never ordered to leave anything for Iraq. I made a request he chose to ignore. He has a right to do what he thinks is best for his country as do I with Iraq. He thought it best to take what he knew I wanted so I thought it best for Iraq to attack turkey. Besides Syria was out of room to expand so it works for both of us.

As for the threat of the Greeks being involved in this war I can't see any significance to that threat. Without turkey to prop you up in the Balkans I doubt you last very long by yourself. And talk about being saved in this game be sure to thank turkey or you would've been gone long ago?

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I think you misrepresent my post. I was explaining to falco why I attacked turkey and hadn't made it to Russia yet. You ask me falco seemed to be doing the whining!

Your assessment of the war with turkey is a little off too. All we could locate was one large Turkish SS army. We saw him holed up protecting his airforce at kozluk so I put forces out there as bait. Like I said the rat ate the poisoned cheese! We knocked that army from 100% to under 10% after he attacked with it.

Furthermore if you think turkey pushing a bunch of small inf and mtn div into persia and Iraq are kicking someone's butt then I can't stop laughing...

Obviously Libya and jordan will be a lopsided event which is why Syria and myself are not involved. Libya's fate was determined way back when they lost Algeria fighting morocco. At that point it was obvious if morocco didn't capture it then Jordan with all his production would!

Turkey was never ordered to leave anything for Iraq. I made a request he chose to ignore. He has a right to do what he thinks is best for his country as do I with Iraq. He thought it best to take what he knew I wanted so I thought it best for Iraq to attack turkey. Besides Syria was out of room to expand so it works for both of us.

As for the threat of the Greeks being involved in this war I can't see any significance to that threat. Without turkey to prop you up in the Balkans I doubt you last very long by yourself. And talk about being saved in this game be sure to thank turkey or you would've been gone long ago

Lol, now that's funny. Obviously, you have no idea what has been going on in the Balkans, but that is ok.

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