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Santa Points?


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I'm rather new to Supernova, but what does the following mean? And what is Slot One?

"Also, Santa has instructed his elves to help your scientists to "Slot One" up to 3rd generation items instead of just 2nd and below."


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You can buy techs with SRP – leftover points from your race creation. You could only buy up to a
2nd generation tech and it cost you the remaining points needed for that tech (not counting the
current turn’s research). For example if you decided to buy a second generation (costing 12) and
had already researched it for 6 turns, it would cost 5 SRP – i.e. 6 points from the last 6 turns, 1
from this turn’s research and 5 from SRP. Each turn, SRPs are spent on one tech. The program
will check the tech in the first slot and buy it if it is 2nd generation or less. If not, it will try the
second slot and so on. Once you have put in a SRP order, one tech a turn will be purchased in
this way until you either run out of SRPs or you are only researching 3rd generation techs.
On the anniversary of the start of the game (around 30 September), Santa Pete will deliver you
some additional SRPs to be spent on first and second generation tech (as detailed in the previous
paragraph). On the first anniversary, each empire received 75 additional points.

Pete has now expanded this to 3rd generation tech.

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Thanks, Deep! Does this mean that the 3rd generation tech has to be researched in the first slot? In other words, does it mean that if I tried to use my Santa points on a third-generation tech in, say, the third slot, that it would not work?

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It just means that the left over points and the 150 points of research just given will be put to the research in slot #1 up to Tech lvl 3.   Which might complete whatever research that is.   Points are only used in Slot #1

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Points are spent beginning in slot 1, but if that item was just finished or doesn't qualify for your extra points (for example, it's too high of a generation, like 4th now in Draco), then slot 2 will be used.  The code keeps looking, starting at slot 1 and running up to slot 25, trying to find an item that it can spend the points on.  As soon as it finds one, it spends the points trying to finish it, and stops.  If it can't find any items from slot 1 through slot 25, it doesn't spend any.

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I put Advanced Synthetic Materials into Slot 1 for one empire and it didn't pop. I had 3cm Chain Gun already in Slot 1 for another empire but did submit an SRP this past turn. Both empires are in Andromeda. A third empire did get its Slot 1 tech but it already had SRPs saved up and activated.

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